Chapter Sixteen - 'Nightmare'

Start from the beginning

"Can we get past this Eden, do you have any legitimate questions or not?" He grew frustrated, entering the kitchen where he pulled open his fridge

I walked ahead and slammed the fridge shut with an open palm "Why don't you just tell them what they think is true isn't?"

Phoenix placed his hands on his hips "What makes you think they'll believe my word?"

"What if I told them it wasn't true?" I tried

"What makes you think they'll believe your word?" He repeated with a raised eyebrow

I threw my hands up "So I'm screwed"

"All you have to do is keep your nose down until Wednesday night" He reopened the fridge, searching inside

"Wednesday night?" And then it hit me "The fight final, if Jaston beats you, it'll be over?"

"No. I'm going to kick his ass and hopefully then he'll stay the hell away from you"

"That'll only make it worse" I grumbled, rubbing my temples, a migraine coming along

"If it does, I'll figure something else out" He sighed, pulling a cheesecake from the fridge, placing it on the bench top

"I can't deal with this" I mumbled

"In the meantime, you shouldn't be keeping company with that boyfriend of yours" Phoenix continued to taunt me, his arms folded

"I already told you, he isn't my boyfriend, and it isn't any of your business if he was"

Unexpectedly, Phoenix's eyes were narrow on me, still "You seemed pretty comfortable with him earlier in your kitchen"

"Comfortable?" I now folded my arms over my chest "I'm about as comfortable around him as I am you"

Slightly, the edge of Phoenix's mouth turned upwards as he began to move towards me

"I don't actually touch you remember, I don't lean in on you while your sister sits meters from you, I'm also not actually sleeping with you too"
He was now circling me, my insides twisting

"I'm not sleeping with him" I snapped defensively, shoving at his chest

"Right" He scoffed, grabbing my wrist

"Why do you always have to do that?" I rolled my eyes "Is it supposed to scare me?" I relaxed, unafraid of his empty threats

"Does it?" He raised an eyebrow

I shook my head, my heart reacting in a different manner "No. But it could be one of the reasons why people think what they think about us"

His eyes were on mine, steady, quiet, his fingers were loose around my wrist, loose enough for my hand to pull free, and I should have, but I couldn't. I was frozen in place, his eyes holding me motionless, the contact between our hands searing with heat.

"You should probably let go then" He mumbled, testing me.

Penny was wrong. Phoenix still had power over me, the influence was in his favour, not mine. I tried my best to deflect it, but I couldn't.

I didn't speak, I stood silent and brainless, watching his eyes move over mine. He then took a brave reckless step towards me, his fingers moving, sliding down to my fingers, numb, cold and still.

My eyes were trained on his, but I could see the seriousness of his face, the expression concentrated. I had no clue as to what his intentions were. Rumours had already circulated about him and I, which were so far from the truth, yet here he was, seducing me as I idiotically and willingly allowed him.

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