Chapter 17 - Something About Optics

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Sam's still sitting on Jason's bed, eating a few of the granola bars he gave her and drinking water to gather the energy to make her way back to the manor. And for just this hour, it's peaceful. She's scrolling on her phone as it charges, just scrolling through Instagram and catching up on some things she's missed while also quickly scrolling away from whatever chaos about Gotham someone is posting. It's peaceful for once even when she knows it won't be soon. It is nice. For right now.

But, then her phone starts vibrating before her scrolling is interrupted with a video taking up her entire screen. The screen is black for a few seconds before the Batman symbol appears on her screen as Crane's voice starts talking.

"Gotham City used to have a protector, a guardian angel." Crane's voice says as it switches to a red Titans symbol.

That's not good.

"But Batman abandoned Gotham and left Nightwing and his friends in his place." A screen showing every Titan, including Sam, shows up on the screen with "Titans wanted" at the bottom of the screen. Then it switches to a clip of Nightwing fighting. "And what has Nightwing done?" Crane asks as texts calling Nightwing a thief, liar, and a conman flash across the clip. "He's robbing you. Poisoning the very water you drink," The clip changes to one of Gar as a tiger, attacking someone. "The water you give your children. Nightwing is a criminal." The clip changes to one of Nightwing and Starfire blowing up one of the drum barrels that poisoned the water. "Protected by Gotham City Police. Only you can stop him. There will be a $50,000 reward paid to the person who brings him in. Dead or alive." The clip changes again to a clip of Gar changing into a tiger. "But take heart Gotham, a new hero will rise and you will know his name." The clip changes to Jason's Red Hood symbol with a picture of the helmet on top. "Red Hood."

"Oh fuck." Sam groans.

They really can't catch a break for longer than five minutes. And she finds herself even more irritated that Crane had the audacity to think Jason would just go back to him after almost killing her. Crane really thinks they don't mean anything to each other and she swears that's his downfall, underestimating what they mean to each other. Because Crane doesn't know Jason isn't going to be on his side anymore. Though this video seems like it's going to complicate things.

It's been bad enough with Jason wanting Dick dead the last few weeks but now the entire city of Gotham is going to want him dead. Gothamites already aren't thrilled with the Titans and this going to push them over the edge. They're already upset Batman abandoned them after Robin was killed. It seems like the city didn't mean too much to Batman if he fucks off the second Robin is killed. Gotham has been absconded and Crane is going to use their distrust and distaste over the situation against the Titans.

Sam lets out an annoyed huff before ripping her phone from the charger and grabbing another granola bar for the road. She has to get back to the manor before every citizen in Gotham decides to become a bounty hunter. She doesn't have her suit but she's thinking it might be safer to get the hell out of the city sooner rather than later.

When Sam gets to the manor, it's empty. The manor has always had a way of seeming just a little too quiet. It's a big space with only a handful of people living in the halls at any given time. It didn't bother her much before, because Jason's voice tended to bounce off the walls, etch itself into the plaster. And with so many Titans around, it filled a bit of the silent void but today, as Sam walks in, it's quiet. The hairs on the back of her neck start to stand on end because, from her experience, quiet in a place that's not usually quiet, is bad. She grabs a knife from her belt as she makes her way, quietly into the Batcave.

With every step, Sam tries to figure out why she's being so paranoid about this. It's the Batcave. No one outside of the Titans or Bruce would even be down here and the Titans are likely out trying to sort out the mess Crane just created for them. But, something in her grips her knife tighter as if it's some sort of sick reflex to always dread for the worst. Maybe that's growing to be a bit exhausting, too.

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