As Murtasim continued to observe Meerab from his vantage point, a deep resolve stirred within him. He recognized the urgency to communicate the profound transformation he had undergone – a transformation that severed ties with the burdens of his past. His commitment to Meerab was no longer confined by a mere Nikkah papers or familial responsibilities; instead, it was a declaration of unbridled love that his heart was busting with.

With a heart liberated from the shackles of history, Murtasim yearned to tell Meerab that he was unequivocally hers. The past had been shed and he stood before her, free from the weight of lingering shadows.

As he gazed at her, contemplating the delicate intricacies of her changed demeanor, Murtasim vowed silently to articulate the depths of his emotions. His love for Meerab transcended the confines of any legal or familial ties – it was a testament to the evolution of his heart. The time for declarations was imminent, and he knew that Meerab deserved nothing less than a sincere proclamation of love that echoed with honestly.

Despite Murtasim's self-imposed promise to wait until their official meeting, he found himself unable to resist stealing glances at Meerab. Like a silent observer, he waited by his window whenever she left for work, yearning for just a fleeting sight of her. As she returned, Murtasim became inexplicably drawn to his window once again, his gaze fixed on her silhouette.

During the quiet nights, when Meerab sat close to her window, Murtasim couldn't help but cast lingering looks her way. His heart ached with a deep yearning to be with her, yet his cautious mind restrained him from acting on the impulse. The nightly ritual, that had been continuing for more than a week now, became a bittersweet symphony of desire and restraint, with Murtasim caught in a silent dance between longing and patience. Until, he was finally caught.

The silent tranquility of his discern was shattered when an unexpected voice pierced the night air. "You do know this is called stalking, right, Murtasim?" The words hung in the air as Murtasim, startled, turned to face Meerab. To his surprise, Anwar Khan, his uncle, stood behind him, wearing a stern expression.

Stumbling over his words, Murtasim attempted to explain himself. "Chacha Sahab, I—" his voice wavered, and his cheeks flushed with embarrassment, as if he was a deer caught in redlight.

Anwar Khan's serious demeanor persisted as he suggested, "Let's go to your home and talk about it, shall we?" He began walking, leaving Murtasim feeling flustered and bewildered. How did Chacha Sahab know he was here, when he had strictly asked no one to tell him about his arrival? If he knew, then Meerab might as well? These questions raced through Murtasim's mind as he followed Anwar Khan, who led the way towards his house.

Upon opening the door, Murtasim hesitated, allowing Anwar Khan to enter first. Once inside, the tension lingered in the air as Anwar Khan took a seat on the sofa. "I could have reported you for stalking," he declared, his words echoing with a stern warning.

"I wasn't stalking. Meerab is my wife, and—" Murtasim tried to explain, but Anwar Khan interrupted with a scoff.

"The same wife whom you don't love?" Anwar Khan's tone was sharp and accusing.

"That's not true. I love her, and that's why I am here. There has been a misunderstanding between us, and I'm here to clear it out," Murtasim replied with unwavering determination.

"What about the divorce? Meerab told me that she had signed the papers," Anwar Khan inquired, his eyes scrutinizing Murtasim's every word.

Murtasim looked down, his voice almost a whisper, "I tore them away."

Anwar Khan sighed, his face reflecting a mix of disappointment and concern. "Murtasim Khan, I'll be honest with you. I am deeply hurt by what you've done to my daughter. She was so full of life, but now she's just lost. I rarely see her smile—the same smile that used to light up my house has been dimmed, and it's all because of you. I had entrusted my daughter's happiness to you, and yet this is what you did! So tell me, how can I trust you again now after everything?"

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