Blind date

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I put on my dark red lipstick as looked over myself in the mirror. I smiled, thinking that I looked amazing today. I took my phone into my hand and checked the messages. The notification said No New Messages.

,,Asshole," I thought...but there was no turning back, I was way too curious for my own liking. I put on my black heels, paired it with a matching purse, my keys, phone and the same red lipstick already inside, and left the house. The taxi, Bolt, was already waiting at my driveway. Even though I felt beautiful, I got a little anxious. It's not the greatest idea to meet up with a complete stranger in a place I've never been in.But I have nothing to lose...

I opened the cars door and stepped in. I nervously played with the hem of my black mini-dress, checking my phone again. A new message!

Him: I know you're in the car. Can't wait to see you, slut.

,,Alright, so he's watching me..." it scared me how I found it arousing.

The driver tried to make small talk, but I stayed silent, staring in front of me. I tried to remember the way there, just in case something went wrong. After 30 minutes or so, we stopped by a forest path.

,,He said he'll pick you up here" spoke the driver. Now I was really scared, but I didn't let it show; what if he saw me like that? I took my purse, checked myself in the cars mirror one last time and stepped out. The car turned around and left.

„Now there's no turning back"

When the car disappeared from my sight, I glanced around if he's around. But he was nowhere to be seen. I was alone, surrounded by trees.

,,Maybe it really was a bad idea, meeting him in the middle of the forest...and definitely not my best thought to go in this" I looked at my outfit, which was sexy, but not ideal for a nightforest hike in the middle of november. I started to shake from the cold, a puff of air leaving my lips as I crossed my arms over my chest. My phone vibrated soon after.

Him: Cold, isn't it?

I turned around, but saw no one. It didn't help my eyesight was really poor at night.

Him: Close your eyes, I'll come up behind you and take you somewhere warm...and I'll do whatever I want with you.

I don't even know  why I listened. Maybe it was the excitement? The adrenaline coursing through my veins to venture into the unknown?

,,Who even knows" I sighed, closing my eyes and waiting. A minute later, I could feel warm breath on my neck.

„That's a good girl" said a husky male voice behind me.

,,Now, I'll cover your eyes'' he muttered before I felt a silky material on my face, tightening on the back of my head. Then he took my forearm and told me that he parked not so far away, where we'll get in and drive to the final destination.

„Rose, you're a dumbass! What if he's a murderer!? What if he kills you!?" I cursed in my head, keeping my face calm and relaxed.

„Good girl" he praised when I sat in the car with the blindfold on. The car engine started and I noticed the car move. A minute passed when I felt his warm hand on my exposed thigh. The hand moved upwards, stopping by the hem of my dress. His hold was rough, but pleasant.

„Don't we wanna leave this to a different place other than a car?" I voiced my concerns, noticing the car take a turn and then stop.

„We're here. Get out, keep the blindfold on. I'll take you inside" he spoke.

When I got out, the cold air hit my exposed body, making me shiver. Then I felt his hand on my forearm dragging me God knows where.

It was warm inside, finally. I could hear crackling of a fireplace as my body relaxed.

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