☀️Feb 20/2024☀️

24 3 0

Hey y'all, I'm not dead so don't worry. Just forgot to update last night, I meant to but I was completely distracted and forgot. Sorry. I was very sleepy too.
So um, I have these bumps where my horns should go...and I wasn't even really focusing on my horns much this past month like what?? My wing nubs are growing slowly but surely and I haven't seen much growth for my tail but that's to be expected, haven't focused on it much.
I've been feeling unwell this week so forgive me please if my updates are even more sporadic and all over the place.
I passed my major assessment at school so now I can dual cred for college, yay! /sar I am not looking forward to being adult and adulting, I don't even know how to drive yet, but future me will deal with that
-Horn growth?
-Wing nubs aching
-phantom tail
-faster injury healing
(Tbh not much physical progress this week)

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