☀️Dec 6/2023☀️

15 2 0

Sorry for forgetting to update yesterday, I was really busy with school and dad wanted me to spend time with the family.
I have some advice for any mythicals or shifters reading this, please look into Law of Assumption, it is really powerful for changing your reality to how you wish it to be. I've been looking into it for the past 3 days and it's a live changer. I've gotten so much more confident and my symptoms are so much more prominent and stronger, sorry if I sound redundant but it's true that it's changed me.
Anyways, my mythical progress truly is going as well as I hoped, I'm guessing I'll get to the actual limb growth phase next year, Im really excited for it.
-Change of mindset for the positive
-Muscle twitches in my nubs
-Constant pain and aching in my back
-Burning sensation
-Feeling detached from my current reality (shifting)

My Avian Mythical Journey Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt