☀️Dec 4/2023☀️

16 1 0

It's December but there is no chance of snow in my state, so sad. The lowest it gets is 60 F and it's so humid and rainy. We finally got a sunny day after a week, I wanted rain this upcoming week, not last week :/
Oh welp, my back is seriously in so much pain. I can feel my nubs growing and my shoulder blade has nearly fully formed sockets for my wings, Im a little scared to touch that area but I know it's there.
I finally figured out how Law of Assumption works, and it's strangely empowering. It greatly helped with my insight and thought of things, I've been practicing it starting today and my nubs are definitely growing at a slightly faster rate. I've also noticed changes in my reality too, I've manifested for more courage and I'm more confident in myself now.  I've also gotten very close to reality shifting and that's comforting, I really want to shift to a reality where I have full results and my bf lives with me.
-Back heaviness
-Muscle growth
-Needlelike pain on my back
-Realizing how easy I can change my reality

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