☁️Nov 17/2023☁️

21 1 0

It's a cloudy day and my back is killing me 😭, I'm currently in Physics class and it's hell, but enough about school, I'll just focus on my progress.
So, I saw another seagull on my window sill and he said hello, with his cute high pitched voice, my wings got excited by that. I got smacked on the back by my classmate and that hurt my wing buds, a lot. It's another boring day today but I'm getting Thanksgiving break this upcoming week so I'll put more energy in growth.
-Achy back
-Acne on my upper back (Idk if that's a symptom, I never have acne there)
-Stabby Pain
-Birds are more comfortable around me

My Avian Mythical Journey Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora