Prolouge - Break Every Bone

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Japan National Stadium
Kasumigaoka, Tokyo, Japan

Tennojiku High vs Kasumigaoka High

Score: 3-3


"The crowds' cheers are especially loud today as Japan's Golden Child, Minatozaki Sei dribbles the ball towards the opposing goal!" one of the announcers, Ito Hirota praises "And there he goes, slipping through every defender in his way, he wants that trophy ladies and gentlemen, and he is not stopping until he gets it!"

Sei maneuvers throughout the field, swiftly passing the defenders that come to stop him, displaying skills that seem inhumane.

Blood pumping throughout his veins, the cheers of the crowd roaring in his ears, his eyes focused only on one goal.

The Championship Trophy

"Sei, pass!" a teammate of his calls out.

Despite this, Sei continued to push forward, getting nearer and nearer to the goal.

"GO SEIII!!!!!!" the crowd roared, giving their undying support to the young prodigy.

Nearing the goal, Sei prepared to deliver the final blow....



A whistle blows out, silencing the crowd.

"Unbelievable, Minatozaki Sei is on the ground writhing in pain after that tackle, ladies and gentlemen..." Hirota announces "And that injury doesn't look good at all.."

Medics rush onto the field, carefully placing Sei on a stretcher, and bringing him off and back to the locker rooms, all the while jeers and boos could be heard, all directed towards the offender.

Locker Room
Sei's POV

Pain filled my body as the medics carried me into the locker room, placing me carefully onto one of the seats and elevated my leg.

"It doesn't look good, Minatozaki-san." one of the medics looked at me with pity. "One of your bones got dislocated during that altercation, we could try to force it back but... I fear that would only worsen your condition as is.

Sorrow. Anger. Regret.

I wanted that trophy, for me and the team aswell. We had worked our asses of throughout the tournament,

"I don't want it to end like this..." I quietly muttered.

The medic looked at me with pity

"What happens if we do force it back?" I asked

With a heavy sigh "It'll put too much strain on your body, Minatozaki-san. Worse case scenario, if we force it and you go back out there, your football career may end as we speak."

"It could buy you a little bit of time, if somehow you can make a miracle of a goal, but the aftermath won't be pretty." the medic informed.

I stared at him, every fiber in my body screaming at me to take that risk.

"Would I be unable to walk again...?"

"Not quite so, but the aftermath would prevent you playing football ever again, you could still walk, dance as well, but your legs will never be able to endure a football match ever again."

I looked on with determination "Even if it means breaking every bone in my body, I want to win" Grabbing one of the towels beside me, and biting down on it, I nodded at him.

"If you say so..."


Short prolouge to give some background, I hope you guys like it.

New writer and my English and grammar may not be that great, so some feedback would really help!

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