Chapter 38 - Train heist

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" I hired the guy that's conducting our train. At exactly 3:20am we will be passing Antonio's train going in opposite directions. So while Tobis thinks we're going to be heisting Antonio's train to kill his people, steal his product and hop back on ours, we're actually doing the complete opposite. The plan is to kill everyone my father hired for this heist on the train, while I continue to plant more evidence on him. We need to be off our train at exactly 3:50am giving us 30 minutes to do what we need to do. Then lastly I'm going to go the last cart on the train and start the timer on the bomb. If I timed this right which I did, my father will be pulling up exactly when the train arrives to the next stop where the swat and police will be waiting for him." Taylin instructed.

" Damn this is Bad ass." Elijah said while they all loaded up on guns, ammo and other weapons.

" Well he deserves it." Armoni continues.

" Yea, Yea. Let just get this shit over with." Kayson says bluntly. Anger built all over his energy as he walks out.

2:15am rolled around and the crew loaded up the train before taking off. Once they were far enough they immediately got to work. Taylin and Armoni worked on planting the evidence of murders, illegal smuggling, drug trafficking, possession of weapons, prostitution, Failure to file for decades and the many other things Tobis has done.

At 2:45am Taylin gave everyone the signal while she helped Tony and Skylar hop on the train. Shots rang out as the fight began. Crew vs Crew, Six vs 30, Murders vs Murders. They had to move fast before it came out to her Dad that she turned against him.

Once They killed everyone, they other train was side by side with them. Let's go we gotta move!" Kayson yelled as they began moving boxes and cartons across trains.

Taylin ran to the front of the train to start the timer on the bomb while each of them started hopping onto the other train. " Okay yall it's-"

" TAYLIN WATCH OUT!" Armoni yelled cutting her off.

A single shot rang out hitting Taylin in her shoulder. " Shit! What the fuck-" She turned around facing who shot her.
Tobis and shortly followed was Jakyla. Her expression looked very scared.

" Oh really bitch?" Taylin asked. Jakyla just looked down at the ground as if she was ashamed.

" My own blood turing against me?!" Anger raged in Tobis face

" Piss off nigga." She spat on the ground next to his shoes. Still holding her shoulder trying to ignore the winching pain she was in.

He shot towards her again but she dodged it making him drop his gun and she pointed hers to his head.

" So this is how you gon do me? Huh Taylin?"

" Please nigga you ain't never did shit for me. All you cared about was this dumb ass mafia shit."

" I knew you had potential. The moment you killed your mother-"

" YOU KILLED HER! YOU KILLED ALL OF US. And I'm finna kill yo ass."  She cocked her gun back.

" She's still alive you know.."  He began.

Taylin was taken aback at first. She knew it but to finally hear him say it...

" She never died. But she was in the way of too much so she had to go." He reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone showing a video to Taylin. It was her mom. She obviously looked slightly older then when she last saw her, She had few grey hairs and was skinnier. He pressed play on the video.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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