Chapter Forty-Nine

Start from the beginning

"An Empire which its first order is blood, shall end in blood, girl." Empress Feng spoke coldly.

"My Empire will see blood, because it was made through blood. Blood of my mother, father, brother and thousands of friends and soldiers I lost and those who I nearly lost." Amethyst spoke as she looked at Daemion for a brief second. "This Empire will last, for blood of too many have hardened its foundations. Your blood is a more fortunate one, because I will willingly spill your blood, stepmother."

"The Empire–" Former Empress Feng tried to speak, but was cut off.

"The future of the Empire is no longer your concern, stepmother. I assure you, your death will do more good for Yi-Ti than the thirty-five years that you served as her Empress." God-Empress Amethyst spoke.

"Then how will you have me killed, harlot?" Feng asked coldly, as she looked at Amethyst with a stare that only spoke hatred.

"I considered having you to die by Lingchi. A thousand cuts, until you die... Just like how you wounded me and the memory of my mother thousands of times over the years..." Amethyst spoke coldly. "...But yet I will settle for your head and head alone. For you are not worth the precious time of the excursioner nor mine."

Former Empress Fang spat on the ground with no further words.

"Daemion. See to it Emeera is put inside of the carriage and sent away." Amethyst spoke coldly as her eyes still pierce Empress Feng. "And Sly... Bring me her head."

Daemion walked toward Emeera and grabbed her chains and picked her up easily as Emeera screamed "MOTHER!"

Daemion began to carry her away from the throne room as the soldiers opened his way so he could leave, and it was then when Sly walked forward, toward former Empress Feng.

"May I?" Zhea whispered with contempt and anger. Amethyst heard her words and nodded.

Zhea walked toward former Empress Feng and bent her over the board, pushing her hair out of the way to expose her neck for Sly.

"This is for my family... and years of exile." Zhea whispered bitterly as her voice shook with rage, but she kept her composer and walked back to Amethyst's side.

As Sly drew his curvy sword, Empress Feng yelled loudly and her voice echoed through the halls of the God-Empress's palace.

"You and your bastard lap dog will die... Alone and far from home... I promise you. Jumong will see to that. He will avenge us! We will be avenged!"

And Sly's sword came down... And Empress Feng's head rolled on the ground.

Smiles and shouts of joy was heard across the throne room. Zhea smiled at the decapitated head, and Sly smirked at the blood that we the ground... But Amethyst...

Empress Amethyst did not smile. She did not even looked at the body. She could not even hear the sounds of joy. Her ears only whistled, and looked at the door as Daemion walked inside the throne room alone.

Daemion looked at Amethyst and nodded, and Amethyst closed her eyes and forced a smile on her face as she looked at her army.


"The crown Prince Aegon and his sister-wife, Princess Rhaena!"

Rhaena opened her eyes and saw the gates of Oldtown, surrounded by massive, thick, high stone walls.

"I thought you were gonna stay asleep forever." Aegon spoke coldly as he watched the mighty gates of Oldtown open, and their carriage began to move inside of the ancient city.

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