Ch. XII ✡Disgustingly Beautiful✡

Beginne am Anfang

"Do you have no manners?" You ask, "stepping in the path of a lady is considered rude."

The shark on the left chuckles, taking one last inhale of his cigar before flicking it to the ground, pressing it with the heel of his foot to put it out completely.

"And what is a pretty lady like yourself doing out here...alone?" he asks lewdly, not even trying to hide it.

The four sharks approach you, standing in a circle around you to keep you from escaping. For any other demon, panic would seize their chests and cause them to react out, ultimately ending with the said demon doomed.

Though you remain calm and steady, eyes watching every little flick of movement on the sharks, while appearing somewhat oblivious to them at the same time, to keep them thinking that they are in control still...when in all honestly...they never had control in the beginning. 

The shark on your left extends a hand, twisting a strand of your ink black hair in his finger. "Dangerous time of night to be out...a face like yours very well might attract unwanted visitors," he smiles a little, revealing a set of grotesque looking fangs that haven't been brushed for what seems to be a long time.

"Why don't you come with us? We'll keep you nice and safe, baby girl. We'll be your personal bodyguards."

You scoff. As if you actually need a bodyguard. How cute of them to think so.

Flicking his finger off your hair, unaffected from his lewd attitude, you begin to speak. "And what makes you think I'm alone?" you respond, your eyes seeming to glow a little brighter in the dark.

The shark chuckles. "Mmm aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" he breathes out, one hand running firmly down your waist to your hip, brushing a thumb against your bone in a perverted way. "Come on baby..." he leans forward, whispering in a low and lustful voice, "let daddy show you a good time."

As the shark demons begin to chuckle, they all immediately stop the moment they hear the unsheathing of a blade, and witness that the shark in front of you has fallen deathly silent...the blade that which protruded forth from your glove slid quickly and gracefully under the jaw of the shark, its tip emerging through the top of his skull.

You smirk dangerously. "You should know...that a demoness like myself, is never alone," you yank the blade out of the shark, using your foot to front kick him out of your way. His body lands with a loud thud against the pavement, his black eyes remaining wide open and lifeless, as blood spews onto the ground from the bottom of his jaw, and the top of his skull.

The three remaining sharks stand frozen in place, staring wide eyed at the young--and appearing defenseless-- demoness who just killed there leader swiftly, and without showing any sign of being in fear. appear to be calm and...somewhat pleased with what you just did.
One shark stumbles trying to grab the pistol at his waist, but as he raises his arm to aim, you spin kick the gun out of his hand, as you use both blades on your gloves to slit his throat. Hands being thrown immediately at his wound, he doubles down onto his knee, before falling face first onto the ground, not getting back up. 

Two sharks...dead.

The third charges after you quickly, teeth bared, hands clenched. But as he extends his arms to grab you, you jump into the air, doing one flip so that you land swiftly behind the shark, who has blindly run forward six feet, before flipping around to face you, both shocked and confused at how you managed to jump so high and land behind him. 

Smirking, you begin to move your fingers, your body growing taller and thinner, making grotesque popping noises from your bones expanding. Your fingers begin to grow longer, becoming clawed at the tips. Your eyes shape into eight eyeballs in rows of two running down your face, as black venom drips from your fangs protruding from your mouth.

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ★Alastor x fem! reader★🥀Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt