"Of course, he's calling you," she says. It was Aubrey. I had no intention of answering. There was nothing left to say to him.

Thirty minutes later, my door swung open unannounced. "Who the fuck?" Crystal blurted out. In strolled Aubrey with Chubbs and Jordan in tow. It had been a while since I'd seen Jordan.

"You can't answer my calls?" Aubrey demanded, skipping the whole greeting thing. "Hi to you too," I retorted, focusing back on Crystal's hair.

"Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be at the strip club?" Crystal quipped. Chubbs and Jordan greeted us warmly, but Aubrey couldn't let Crystal's comment slide. "Why are you always talking? Nobody was talking to you! I came here for my girl, and here you are, running your mouth," he snapped before turning his attention back to me.

"Can we talk?"

"Nigga, who are you yelling at? You got me fucked up," Crystal shot back, standing toe-to-toe with Aubrey. There was always tension when these two were in the same room. Chubbs found a seat next to Nikki, and Jordan just shook his head, clearly wanting no part in the drama.

"Okay, both of you chill out. Aubrey, what do you need?" I intervened, trying to keep the peace. "I want to talk to you," he said, just as his phone rang.

He excused himself briefly, then returned, this time with a sleeping Chase in his arms. Jeremiah was holding Chance, who was asleep also. I couldn't help but wonder why he had the boys out so late and noticed Adonis wasn't with them.

"Take them upstairs," I instructed annoyed, but Aubrey seemed hesitant. " You sure?" he asked

" Yes, go ahead! It's too late for them to be out." I insisted. He and Jeremiah walked upstairs.

"Oh, so that's why he's here! He wants you to watch his kids," Crystal deduced. Though I've always loved being around his sons, the assumption irked me.

When Aubrey returned, he led me to the kitchen for a private talk. As soon as we were alone, he enveloped me in a hug. "I missed you, Baby," he whispered, but I didn't respond.

"So, what's going on?" I asked, trying to keep things civil.

"Nothing just wanted to see you. Can't I do that?" he replied, his tone light but insistent.

"A normal person, yeah, but you? There's always something, always an ulterior motive," I countered.

"Everything's cool. I don't have an ulterior motive. So, where's your man?" He asked with that smug look of his, moving closer

"He's in London," I said, pushing him away, tired of his games.

"Why are you pushing me away?" he teased, pulling me back in. "Aubrey, stop. Why are you really here? Why do you have the boys out this late?" I shifted the topic, hoping to avoid personal questions.

"We just flew in. They wanted to stay with you," he claimed, leaning back against the counter, his attention momentarily caught by his phone.

"Did they really want to stay, or did you suggest it? Where's Adonis?" I pressed, trying to get a straight answer.

"Don's still in Toronto. Sophie had plans with him and I didn't want to argue," he explained, returning to his phone browsing. "And no, baby. Adonis, Chance, and Chase have been asking about you, wanting to come and visit" he assured me, though I had my doubts.

"Whatever you say, Aubrey. But you and Sophie need to get along better, for Adonis's sake. This ongoing feud will only hurt him in the long run," I advised, concerned for their son.

"Fuck her," Aubrey dismissed the topic of Sophie. Then, changing the subject, he asked, "Can I take you out tomorrow night? Just as friends, since you're all about your fiancé now."

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