Chapter 3 :Where did he go

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Amy went to sonic's house since she thought he might be there. Her heart lurched as her gaze fell upon the telltale smear of blood staining the floor, a stark reminder of the danger that lurked in the shadows of their world. Panic threatened to overwhelm her as she struggled to make sense of the grim discovery, her mind racing with a thousand terrible possibilities.

"No, no, no," she murmured, her voice trembling with disbelief and dread. "What could he have done?"

The image of Sonic, usually so full of boundless energy and unwavering optimism, flashed before her eyes, his face twisted with a mixture of anguish and remorse. She couldn't bear to imagine him in pain, couldn't fathom what could have driven him to such desperate measures.

With a shaky breath, Amy forced herself to push past the paralyzing fear that threatened to consume her. She had to stay strong for Sonic, had to believe that they would find him and bring him back to safety, no matter the cost.

Gritting her teeth against the rising tide of uncertainty, Amy squared her shoulders and pressed on, her resolve steeled by the unwavering determination to see her friend reunited with his loved ones once more. For though the road ahead would be fraught with peril and uncertainty, she knew that as long as they stood together, they would find a way to overcome whatever challenges lay in their path.

"While the rest were searching, Sonic was actually abducted by Eggman and bound tightly in chains."

As Sonic struggled against the chains that bound him, his heart sank at the sound of Eggman's voice, a chilling reminder of the danger that lurked in the shadows of their world. With each word that passed eggmans lips: i KNOW what you did hedgehog

"I don't know what you're talking about," Sonic retorted, his voice laced with defiance even as doubt gnawed at the edges of his consciousness. "Leave me alone."

With a flick of his wrist, Sonic managed to sever the chains that held him captive, his movements swift and decisive as he prepared to attack. But as he moved Eggman's words froze him in his tracks, a cold shiver running down his spine at the threat they carried.

"If you attack me, I'll tell your friends what you've done," Eggman warned, his eyes glinting with malice as he held Sonic in his gaze. And in that moment, Sonic knew that he had no choice but to retreat, to run from the consequences of his actions and the darkness that threatened to consume him whole.

With a heavy heart, Sonic turned and dashed away into the night, his thoughts consumed by the weight of his guilt and the fear of what lay ahead. And as he disappeared into the darkness, Eggman watched with a sinister grin, his mind already plotting his next move in the eternal game of cat and mouse between hero and villain.

"As Sonic sprinted back to the village along his familiar path, a foreboding thought echoed in his mind - the fear that his closest companions would shun him forever if they discovered the truth of his actions."what if they found out, they will hate me forever."

He Finally arrived back to the village and found his friends. Sonic winced as his friends' concerned gazes fell upon the bruises marring his skin, silent testimony to the ordeal he had endured at Eggman's hands. But the pain faded into the background as Amy, Knuckles, and Rouge rushed to his side, their presence a balm to his battered spirit.

"Hey, Sonic, you're back," Amy exclaimed with a mixture of relief and worry, her voice trembling slightly as she wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace.

Caught up in the warmth of their reunion, Sonic's thoughts immediately turned to Tails. "Where is Tails?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern as he scanned the faces of his friends.

Rouge's expression softened with empathy as she answered, "Tails is crying in his workshop."

A wave of guilt washed over Sonic at the thought of Tails' tears, a stark reminder of the pain he had inadvertently caused with his absence. He should have been there for his friend, should have offered him comfort and reassurance in his time of need.

"We need to go talk to him," Sonic declared, his voice tinged with determination as he led the way towards Tails' workshop, his friends falling into step behind him.

But Knuckles' question hung heavy in the air, a reminder of the secret Sonic carried. "You're going to tell us where you were, right?" Knuckles asked, his tone serious as he fixed Sonic with a penetrating gaze.

Sonic felt his heart drop at the prospect of revealing the truth, the weight of his guilt pressing down on him like a leaden weight. Swallowing hard, he forced a weak smile and replied, "Yeah, of course I will. It's no big deal."

Rouge arched an eyebrow skeptically, her gaze flickering to the bruises that marred Sonic's skin. "You better," she remarked with a pointed look, her concern evident in the furrow of her brow.

Sonic didn't even bother to knock; he simply burst through the door, his voice ringing out in a frantic shout that echoed through the workshop. Tails, his head buried in his arms on the table, lifted his head at the sound of Sonic's voice, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"Sonic?" Tails's voice trembled with a mixture of surprise and relief as Sonic rushed to his side, the two friends embracing tightly, their worries momentarily forgotten in the rush of their reunion. But their embrace was short-lived, cut short by Sonic's pained wince as the bruises on his body protested the pressure.

"What happened?" Tails's voice was a whisper, his eyes filled with concern as he took in Sonic's battered appearance.

Sonic forced a reassuring smile, his gaze meeting Tails's with an attempt to calm his friend's fears. "Don't worry, little bro," he said with false cheerfulness. "It's just Eggman. He kidnapped me and started yapping about some scientific nonsense."

The lie came easily to Sonic's lips, his heart heavy with the weight of the truth he dared not reveal to his friends.

Knuckles frowned, his brow furrowing with suspicion. "What about the bruises?" he asked, his voice gruff with concern. "And the blood in your house before you got kidnapped?"

Sonic's grin faltered for a moment, a flicker of uncertainty betraying the facade he had carefully crafted. "Oh, uh, he wrapped me too tight with chains," he replied hastily. "And, uh, the blood... It's just from the robot I cut in half. I got a little cut, no big deal."He lied since the blood was actually from the body he murdered

Amy's expression softened with understanding as she reached out to squeeze Sonic's hand in reassurance. "Well, I'm just glad you're back," she said with a gentle smile.

Tails wiped away his tears, his heart swelling with relief at Sonic's return. "Im so happy you're back," he said, his voice choked with emotion as he embraced his friend once more.

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