Chapter 1: Sonic's regret

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As the first light of dawn streaked across the sky, Sonic pounded the pavement with his rapid strides, the world blurring around him in a familiar rush. But his routine jog came to an abrupt halt as he rounded a corner and stumbled upon a scene that froze him in his tracks.An old couple, stooped with age but resilient in spirit, were cornered by a trio of criminals.Sonic's keen senses caught the glint of metal in the robbers' hands as they menaced the frail couple, demanding their money with violent threats.

His heart pounding with a mixture of anger and determination, Sonic stepped forward, his voice cutting through the tense air like a blade. "Don't you dare touch them again," he commanded, his words laced with a steely resolve.

One of the criminals scoffed, a smirk twisting his lips. "Oh, look who thinks he's a hero," he taunted, shoving the old lady roughly to the ground.

The fury ignited within Sonic, a primal rage that surged through his veins like wildfire. With a swift movement, he launched a punch at the nearest criminal, his fist connecting with a resounding crack. The robber staggered backward, his grip loosening on his weapon as pain contorted his features.

But Sonic didn't stop. He felt that he knew the elderly couple for all of his life even though they just met. Blow after blow rained down upon the robber, the sound of impact echoing in the deserted street.The other two criminals just abandoned their companion from fear.

It was only when the dust settled, and the robber layed motionless at his feet, that Sonic's frenzy began to ebb. Horror washed over him as he looked down at his bloodied hands, the reality of what he had done crashing down upon him like a tidal wave.

"No, no, no," he murmured, his voice choked with disbelief and regret. "I didn't mean for this to happen."

Turning to face the elderly couple, Sonic's eyes pleaded for forgiveness, his heart heavy with guilt. "Please, don't tell anyone," he implored, his voice raw with emotion. "I'm sorry."

Their eyes softened with understanding, a silent promise of secrecy passing between them. With a gentle nod, they reassured him of their discretion, their gratitude unspoken yet deeply felt.

With a heavy heart, Sonic turned and fled into the shadows, his footsteps echoing in the silence of the dawn. Alone with his guilt and the weight of his actions, he disappeared into the village , a solitary figure haunted by the consequences of his impulsive heroism.

After running far, far away, Sonic finally stopped.his chest heaving as he leaned against a nearby alley wall, his breath coming in ragged gasps. With trembling hands, he wiped the sweat and blood from his brow, his fingers sticky with the remnants of his violent outburst.

But as he looked down at his hands, now stained crimson with the evidence of his actions, a wave of overwhelming guilt washed over him. His legs gave way beneath him, and he sank to his knees upon the cold pavement, his heart heavy with remorse.

"I didn't mean for this," he whispered, his voice barely audible against the backdrop of the bustling city. "I never wanted anyone to get hurt."

. How could he have let his anger consume him so completely, turning him into a perpetrator of violence instead of the protector he had intended to be?

He looked down to his bloody hands and thought to himself "i have to clean myself before any one see me like this "

He was lucky the sun hasn't risen  yet so no one saw him, he quickly went back to his house.
he submerged his blood-stained hands into the cool water, scrubbing away the remnants of his violent outburst with a fervor born of desperation. Each motion was a testament to his determination to erase the evidence of his sins, to cleanse himself of the guilt that threatened to consume him whole.

As he watched the water turn murky with the residue of his transgressions, Sonic felt a semblance of relief wash over him, a fleeting sense of absolution amidst the turmoil of his conscience. But even as he scrubbed away the physical traces of his misdeeds, he knew that the scars they had left upon his soul would linger far longer.

Exhausted both physically and emotionally, Sonic collapsed onto his makeshift bed, his limbs heavy with the weight of his guilt. Despite the chill that permeated the air, he found himself enveloped in a suffocating heat, the memories of his violent outburst swirling around him like a maelstrom.

With a weary sigh, he closed his eyes, allowing the darkness to swallow him whole as sleep claimed him at last. Yet even in the solace of unconsciousness, he found no respite from the demons that haunted his dreams, their accusing whispers echoing in the recesses of his mind.

And so, as sleep claimed him in its embrace, Sonic surrendered himself to the uncertain embrace of the night, his dreams haunted by the echoes of his past and the promise of a brighter tomorrow yet to come.

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