Part 3 - A Twist in Time - Chapter Forty: Saif Quest

Start from the beginning

"Yes...sadly, it's gonna be up to you guys how to get it. I would just simply advice that you don't get caught. You don't want to get into trouble with the law in a foreign country" advised Noah.

"So how do we get there?" I asked. "Do we hop on a plane and head over there?"

Everyone laughed.

"No, we will open a portal for the both of you" Udonna conjured up a portal. We were able to see the majestic Cedar trees. At least it was day time over there. "Once you have the scroll, you'll be able to locate the Saif Saber. But time is of the essence. But you need to hurry. The enchantments won't last long."

"Right" said Troy. "Ready?" he extended his hand out for me.

I reluctantly took it, and the two of us walked into the portal, the entire time feeling my heart beating a hundred beats a minute. I felt a rush of air as we stepped in, then suddenly the two of us were in the midst of the Lebanese Cedars. They were grand and majestic trees. In fact, the Lebanese Cedar was the emblem in the center of the Lebanese flag. It was a fitting symbol of strength and might. The Cedars were firmly rooted to the ground, and even in the harshest of weather, it remained intact and rooted to its ground.

It was a fitting symbol to represent the country, because Lebanon has had its share of wars and hardships, and yet the country and its people have always stood their ground and remained rooted to their land. They've remained rooted to who they are as a people.

"Ok, so where do we go from here?" I questioned.

"We go look for this manuscript" said Troy.

"Troy, I'm tired. I seriously need to rest or something."

"What do you suggest?"

"I don't know, can we hijack a hotel room or something? I swear if I don't get some sleep any time soon, I'm gonna go nuts."

"Good idea" he agreed, which surprised me.

"For reals?"

"Yes, I know you're tired and all of this has been a long journey" he said, and me just staring at him with surprise. "What?" he chuckled.

"Nothing...I just half expected you to say no."

"Of course not, I can never turn away my little brother and his needs."

"Well come to think of it, I'm not sure I even deserve your generosity."

"Why do you say that?" he frowned.

"Nothing" I shook my head.

"Come on, just tell me."

"I can't!" I said harshly. "I'm sorry...I didn't meant to be so harsh." I leaned against one of the Cedars, its scent refreshing to my senses.

"Ok, you've been acting weird, is there something I should know?"

Actually, there was a lot for him to know. There was a lot that I wanted to tell him. I wanted to prevent him being kidnapped by Darkonda. I wanted to prevent him from turning into Diakos. I wanted to prevent the same thing that happened to Karone as a child, to happen to him. Still, as much as I wanted to change that part of the future, I knew that if I did, that something bad could perhaps happen that would change everything. I wanted to tell him so badly, it was burning me from the inside out.

The both of us headed into the central district of Beirut. I was wondering where we were going to room, given that we had no money. Sure, we had family here, but the last thing we wanted was to involve them in any of this at all. It was too risky.

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