Moonlit Night

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The place Olivia and Onyx had longed for was finally within their sights. As the carriage approached the magnificent estate, their bodies trembled with excitement. Their companions couldn't help but stifle their laughter at the sheer joy emanating from the two teenagers.

Onyx, unable to contain himself, scanned the surroundings. And then, as if drawn by an unseen force, his gaze met Leo's. Leo, smiled subtly while observing Onyx. Before Onyx could succumb to his shyness, Olivia's voice broke the silence.

"Onyx, look! Look! It's your uncle and my parents!" Olivia exclaimed, her words ringing out loud and clear. Onyx widened his eyes and his attention shifted to the window. There, standing proud and beaming, was his uncle Felix. Without a moment's hesitation, Onyx flung the carriage door open and leaped out in a burst of energy. The cries of the others, shocked by his sudden departure, went unheard by Onyx's exhilaration.

"UNCLEEEEEEEEE!!!" Onyx bellowed, catapulting himself into his uncle's waiting arms. Tears streamed down both their faces, a mixture of joy and longing.

"I missed you, kid," Felix managed to utter through his quivering voice, holding Onyx tightly. Unspoken emotions filled the space between them, a sense of belonging and love that had been absent for far too long. At last, Onyx felt like he had found his true home.

It was only then that Onyx became aware of the commotion he had caused. Olivia, her vibrant spirit shining through, couldn't help but reprimand him with a grin, playfully giving him a head chop. Laughter erupted from everyone present, their hearts lightened by the sheer happiness exuding from this reunion.

As Felix took a moment to scan the group, his smile, though small, radiated warmth. "Who might all of you be?" he asked, genuinely curious.

Amidst the shared mirth, Onyx took the opportunity to introduce his friends. "Uncle Felix, these are my dear friends: Marcus Asheville, Emily Blanc, and…" Onyx's voice trailed off as he made eye contact with Leo. A blush instantly painted his cheeks in a fiery hue.

Leo, recognizing Onyx's unease, extended a hand gracefully. "My name is Leo De Alger Evergreen. It is a pleasure to meet you, Sir Felix."

Felix, his hand meeting Leo's, reciprocated the gesture. "The pleasure is mine, Leo De Alger Evergreen. Now, let us all head inside and celebrate. We have much to catch up on."

Once inside the grand estate, a feast awaited them. The aroma of delectable dishes filled the air, mingling with the sounds of laughter and camaraderie. The table overflowed with exquisite delicacies, enticing everyone to indulge in the abundance before them.

As the evening sun set and the moon took its place in the velvety sky, the merriment continued unabated. Stories were shared, jokes were told, and bonds were forged stronger than ever. And throughout it all, Onyx couldn't shake the feeling that Leo's presence held a deeper significance. Especially after what they had experienced last night. It terrified and excited onyx at the same time. It almost felt like a string of fate connected them but onyx unease was still there hoping their fate could end differently than in the original.

The celebration in the hall began to wind down, with the echoes of laughter and music fading into the night. Weary from the festivities, Onyx, glanced back and forth with his captivating emerald eyes, found himself yearning for a moment of solitude.

As the guests retired to their  rooms, Onyx silently slipped away, his slender figure blending seamlessly with the shadows. He strolled along the dimly lit corridor, his mind filled with the enchantment of the evening. The sounds of distant laughter grew fainter, and a sense of tranquility engulfed him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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