Forgotten Memories And Beautiful Melodies

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Today is the last day of classes before summer vacation. Onyx had packed up his things the night before so he could have a smooth departure. As he's walking towards the dorms, he hears a loud squeal and a heavy weight on his back, stumbling a bit to keep his balance.

“Darn it, Liv, I thought I told you to stop with these sneak attacks.” Onyx says.

“I can't help it, I'm just so excited to go home and see everyone. Aren't you, Onyx?” Olivia chuckles.

“Of course I am! I haven't seen my uncle since winter break. I'm just a little anxious because it's been so long.” Onyx says with his head down. In truth, he's more nervous about this next school year than going home. All he wants to do is survive his death flag. He's had some interactions with Dylan and Leo, but he's been sure to keep it minimal. But that doesn't mean he won't die in the end. Shaking his head of unnecessary thoughts, he gives a sincere smile.

“Plus, I'm really gonna miss them..” Onyx was interrupted by Emily and Marcus.

“Who are you gonna miss, not little ol' me, right?” Marcus says, giving him a wink. He is then elbowed in the side by Emily.

“Of course, he meant me.” Emily says with gusto.

Olivia and Onyx couldn't stop themselves from chuckling.

“Of course, I meant both of you. It's gonna be weird not seeing either of you for a whole month.”

“Oh, I can agree to that. We've spent every day together since our second week here.” Olivia says, nodding her head seriously.

“It's not like we could spend the summer with you guys at your homes... that would be crazy, right?” Marcus said questioningly.

They all stand there staring at him.

“Why didn't you say that before?” Olivia asked, getting a huge grin on her face.

“My parents definitely wouldn't mind. They are probably traveling right now anyway.” Emily says, maintaining a stoic face.

Then they all glance at Marcus.

He begins to shift where he is standing because of their stares. And then throws his hands up, “ok, ok, I'm definitely in. I'll just send a letter to my parents.”

“Yay!” They all high-five each other as they continue walking through the corridors.

The friends continued walking, but Olivia suddenly stopped in her tracks. "Oh yeah, did you guys know there's a concert hall here? There's a huge piano and some other instruments. Some I've never even seen before."

Curiosity piqued, and the group turned to Olivia, waiting for more information. Marcus, with a touch of wisdom, shared, "Yeah, usually they hold banquets and balls for the students there. But they only do it in the second year because it's the last year at this school."

Onyx's eyes widened in surprise. He hadn't expected a school designed to train hunters to have a concert hall, let alone musical instruments. Memories of his past life as Alexander resurfaced—a life where he learned to play the piano for his mother, a talented singer. The image of his parents singing together, his father watching them with adoration, warmed his heart. Though he still missed them dearly, he felt grateful for the love and kindness he had found in this life with his mother and uncle.

Lost in his thoughts, Emily waved her hand in front of Onyx's face to bring him back to reality. Blinking a few times, he smiled and reassured her, "Yeah, I'm fine. I kind of want to go there. Liv, can you tell me where it is? "

Olivia nodded eagerly. "Sure! It's in the west building, on the first floor. Want me to show you?"

With a wave of his hand, Onyx declined her offer before darting towards the west building. "No, it's okay. Why don't we all meet at the front gate in about an hour?"

Reincarnation: The Story Of Onyx Delphir Ambrose Where stories live. Discover now