Start from the beginning

After a few moments, they reluctantly pulled away, meeting Caleb's reassuring smile. "It's going to be alright, my loves," he reassured them, and they nodded in response.

Dare turned to Dr. Naam, extending a hand for a handshake. "Hi, I'm Dare Fairpride," Dare introduced himself, "and this is Caleb RiverBay, the Lycgers' Birth Omega." Dr. Naam hesitated briefly before reciprocating the handshake, feeling the powerful presence of a Lion before withdrawing her hand.

"I am Dr. Naam, the Head Doctor and Dirk's primary physician," she introduced herself with a smile.

Dare continued, "Pleasure to meet you, Naam,"

"However, time is of the essence. We need to bring our sons home, specifically Dirk," Caleb interjected, prompting a frown from Dr. Naam.

"Excuse me?" Dr. Naam's brows furrowed as she glanced between the Lycgers and the Birth Omegas. "You can't do that. Dirk is in no condition to travel; he's too weak and unconscious. I'm sorry, but I must decline your request," she stated firmly.

"Who are you to decline our request?" Dare's voice resonated with anger, his frustration mounting.

"His doctor!" Naam retorted, her own resolve unwavering.

"I am his Birth Omega... now if you'll excuse me.." Dare asserted, pushing past her and striding purposefully out of the office.

Naam hurried after him, her steps faltering as she tried to keep pace. "He is barely alive! How can you consider risking his life further by traveling with him in such a critical condition?"

Dare paid no heed to her protests, knowing his destination but he didn't hesitate to respond to the annoying doctor. "Behind you is a Demigod. His power may have been altered by the poisons his witch of a mother fed him in his youth, but that doesn't diminish his status. He was the one who brought us here upon Tricc's plea for help, and he is more than capable of restoring my son's health since you have failed to do so!" Dare's voice grew more intense with each word, his poise unflattering as he pushed open the private door to Dirk's room.

Naam cast furtive glances between the retreating figures of Dare and Caleb, who followed behind with the Lycgers in tow. She expected them to say something, but the Lycgers remained silent. Reluctantly, she followed Dare into the room, where the others soon joined.

Dare took a seat by the bedside, tears streaming down his face as he gazed at the motionless figure of the son he loves above all else. Dirk appeared no different from the young man who had fled from his family and home. "You foolish idiot!" Dare muttered, gently smacking Dirk's lifeless hand. The Lycgers growled, briefly frozen by the sight of someone striking their mate. Dare shot them a warning glance and they lowered their heads in apology.

"Wake him up," Dare directed Caleb, who nodded in understanding and moved to sit beside Dirk as Dare stood up to give him space.

Caleb held the hand that Dare had just smacked, closing his eyes as a surge of energy flowed from his hand into Dirk's body. The room was engulfed in a dazzling light, leaving everyone present in awe of the powerful display. As the energy faded, they realized that a change had indeed occurred.

Slowly, Dirk began to stir, his body twitching slightly, his eyes fluttering as he showed signs of waking up. "Dirk?!" Dare exclaimed in shock, moving closer to his son. "Dirk, sweetheart, can you hear me?" He gently placed two fingers on Dirk's neck to check his pulse before pressing a tender kiss to his forehead.

Turning to the Lycgers with a wide grin, Dare's relief was palpable. "Thank Goddess he's okay!" he exclaimed, his gaze shifting to meet Caleb's eyes. "Thank you," Dare whispered gratefully, receiving a nod and a soft smile in return from Caleb.

"Baby!" The Lycgers cried softly in unison as weak golden eyes met theirs. Dirk had opened his eyes and was now looking at his mates.

Dare turned back to Dirk and gasped, his own gaze meeting the piercing golden eyes that matched his mate's. A smile of pure joy spread across Dare's face, almost unreal in its intensity, as tears welled in Dirk's eyes upon recognizing the familiar gaze.

"B-Birth Omega," Dirk choked out, and Dare immediately enveloped him in a tight hug, which Dirk returned. In that moment, Dirk realized just how much he had missed his Birth Omega. His heart swelled with emotion, feeling the warmth and love radiating from Dare's embrace. Dirk never wanted to be separated from that comforting hug ever again.

"Take us home," Dare instructed his dear friend Caleb, who nodded in response and promptly opened a portal for them to step through.

"Hey, what about us?!" Kurt demanded, his tone filled with urgency as he faced their Birth Omega's smiling expression.

"You can't just take him and leave us!" Seth whined, echoing his brother's concern.

Caleb approached the brothers, his demeanor gentle yet firm. "Don't you both think it's time to return home as well? You left all the responsibility to your brother, and because you both renounced your positions as Pack Leaders, only Tricc received the Transferring. I know you sensed it, but you didn't inherit the powers he gained. It was his connection to those powers that allowed him to bring us here..." Caleb reached out, softly caressing Kurt and Seth's faces. "... Come home." He whispered before stepping into the portal.

The portal sealed shut behind them, leaving the Lycgers and a bewildered Dr. Naam alone in the room, the echoes of their departure resonating in the now empty space.

The Alphas' Pride Mate (The Pride Who Goes Into Heat) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now