Even as Leodhais shook his hand off and inhaled before asking another question, the wolf nodded and Peregrine uncoiled elegantly from his position, coming back on his feet like a piece of black, rolled up ribbon unfurled by a gust of wind, turning to his companions even as he poured back into his saddle smoothly. "We may proceed into the werewolf territory," he announced, following the enormous charcoal grey wolf without waiting for their reply.

"Let's accept a meal not to offend the pack and then move on," Peregrine added in a half-whisper after a while of careful silence, falling in step with his two companions, moving out of earshot of their wolf guide. 

More wolves joined the first who led them through the forest gradually, until the three travellers found themselves surrounded by what seemed to be the whole pack even as they reached another clearing, this one interspersed with huts and cottages similar to those they had seen in Elvenshire and Dwarfland. 

Feeling almost at home for the first time in days, Leodhais shook off the remnants of his fear and observed the wolves-- some of them were smaller and more delicately built than others. He had heard many fascinating stories about the sensuality and passion of the werewolf females...

"Are they women?" the elf asked, shifting on his saddle into a more comfortable position as he tried to rein in his imagination. He nodded towards the group of the smaller wolves which observed the visitors with open curiosity and interest from the shadows; the smallest, silvery-white looking so proud and gracious that Leodhais simply had to wonder how she would look in her human form. 

"Yes, they are women. And you should avoid them, elf. Being polite but keeping your distance is the best approach to werewolves, especially for us. We are here on Alaric's quest; we act in the name of the king."

Leodhais nodded, grateful for the reminder. Distracted as he was by the werewolf ladies, he had almost forgotten Alaric and his heir. "So what's beyond this settlement?" he asked, turning Alaric's ring around his finger to better remember his duty. "Where will we sleep if we ride on after dinner?"

"In the vampire territory," Peregrine said.

"What? No way, dragon. We're staying here tonight; they look friendly enough."

Peregrine opened his mouth to protest, then closed it again. He couldn't possibly argue with the stubborn elf without their conversation being overheard, and so offending the pack, especially once the three females he had been watching, sensing a potential victim, shifted into their nude human form in front of their very eyes, leaving the elf with the promise of a very interesting night should he decide to remain, before they fled into one of the cottages. The dragon shifter groaned in surrender, letting his eyes skip between the blushing dwarf and the eager elf who was already dismounting his horse. 

"We both know how this is going to end, elf. What about Alaric's daughter?"

Leodhais laughed, throwing his reigns to Peregrine. "What about her? We haven't even met yet! I'm not doing anything wrong..." His eyes were trained beyond Peregrine as he said that, and turning around the dragon spotted a welcoming committee composed of the same tree females Leodhais had set his eyes on, clad in a pastel coloured, semi-translucent finery which somehow made them look almost more naked than they had been when they had shifted.

"Welcome, travellers. Sir Peregrine, we hope that you'll finally accept our shelter for the night, seeing that you are not alone," one of them, an ethereal, petite blonde said, passing him a golden chalice filled with red wine.

He bowed to her in greeting and took a sip before he passed it to Gilderoy, who followed his example before passing the cup to Leodhais, who drank deeply, his eyes never leaving the girl who had spoken. She was breathtakingly beautiful, almost elven with that sheet of silvery blonde hair falling to her ample chest in that arranged, inviting way, making him itch to touch it...

More men and women started to draw closer around them curiously, while others attended to the fire burning in the middle of the clearing where their evening meal was cooking. 

"I'll accept a meal gladly, fair Auriel. But you know me, I prefer to sleep outside." 

"Aah, you'll never change," the girl smiled before letting her amber eyes fall on Gilderoy in a silent enquiry. 

"A-and I'll ke-keep him co-company, fair lady," the dwarf stuttered in his turn.

"I'll accept whatever you offer, my ladies," Leodhais bowed deeply to each of them. "I can't possibly spend another night on the cold ground."

The three young women giggled, and two of them laced their arms through Leodhais' while Auriel took the empty cup from him.

"You won't regret, my lord," she said, preceding the three towards the line of cottages, her hips, poorly covered by the layers of pellucid, mother-of-pearl fabric swinging invitingly as she moved, underlining the promise she had made. 

Word Count: 8511 in total.
Second milestone reached  :)

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