9 - Rules and regulations

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I had no problem making myself comfortable in this room, I have my own bathroom and shower and it's amazing.

For all the things I complained about, I hate to admit it but there's a lot of positive things.

Living here won't be so bad, I mean living with a lot of guys is not what I want to be doing but at least mom is here, at least I'm gonna be able to go to my dream school. Plus the house is beautiful, I definitely can get comfortable here.

There's a light knock on my door, knowing it's not Taylor or Conner, they would just bust in without knocking.

"Oh come in" I say realizing I'm taking to long to answer.

Asher comes in with a smile, "hey, you get a good look around?"

I nod and smile, he makes himself comfortable on my bed.

"Yeah it's nice."

He nods, "I know it's alot to take in but I'll show you around and you'll get used to it, our brothers are rarely home so you shouldn't have any problems."

I smile, "what about your dad?" I ask a little curious.

He smiles more, "sorry to break it to you but most of the time my dad works from home l, our brothers usually travel for him or something."

I realize now he keeps calling them our brothers, they aren't my brothers but I'm to shy to correct him.

I'm more afraid of getting in trouble.

"What about you?" I ask wanting to change the subject, I'm not really comfortable with being around Victor yet but hopefully in time we can build a relationship.

I'm not wanting another father but maybe just to be civil.

He shrugs, "I like to stay home, I have a nice room, I mostly like to play videogames but sometimes..I get into trouble."

I raise a brow at him, questioning what type of trouble.

He only laughs at my expression, "that's probably why my dad likes to stay home, he likes to keep an eye on things."

He smiles at my warry expression, I have been making this face a while but I'm slightly worried Victor is one of those strict dads, like from those books you read.

I can't imagine it, my dad is easy going and free, he rarely ever made rules.

I sigh and nod, "is Victor..mean to you?" I ask a little reluctant.

It's not an easy subject to face as I look at Ash carefully trying to read his expression.

He only bursts out laughing at me, "oh Sophie of course not, my dad maybe a hard ass but he wouldn't hurt me physically."

I didn't know I was holding my breath until I smile in relief, now I was getting a look from Ash.

"Why do you ask? Does your dad or mom do that?"

I shake my head instantly, "no but the way you described Victor it seems like he's... intimidating."

He nods and smiles, "my dad is intimidating, he's a lot of things but he would never intentionally or unintentionally hurt any of us."

"I promise, once you two get to know each other you'll be more comfortable, he would never hurt you." He sounds so sure and I believe it.

"Okay thanks for telling me." I say smiling back at him as I sit beside him on the bed.

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