3 - Disappointments

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I hear yelling when I wake up, my brothers haven't been taking the news as great as I have but I would expect more from Conner, being that he's the eldest.

Our Mommy issues run to deep for all of us, none of us are particularly happy about her visit tonight. Our dad assured us that she wants to see us and that she wants us to be their for her wedding, which is in a few days.

It's the morning but my two brothers are already arguing with dad about it. I wish I could leave the house silently but when I attempt to my dad drags me into it, comparing us and he questions why they can't be as accepting as I am.

Little do they all know I'm not, I don't want to see or hear from my mother, I would prefer if she'd stay away and not bother my peace of mind. The only reason I'm being quiet is because Dad's already on the edge with my brothers.

I don't want to create any more problems for him. I don't know what he's feeling, suddenly mom cares to call him and wants to see us.

My brothers continue bothering him with questions, like I'm invisible and no one asks me what I'm feeling. It gives me the perfect exit.

I sigh when I grab the mail, flipping through it until I find the thing that I so desperately wanted to see. My letter from the private school in New York.

Don't get me wrong, I like my current school but I wanted more for my education.

Not trying to brag but I'm great at math and the new York school has a math quiz team that I would do anything to be apart of.

For once I was putting my own feelings first, that's how desperately I wanted to go to this school.

I grip the letter like my life depends on it and rush back into the house.

My brothers and dad don't blink an eye, I'm not surprised but a little disappointed, they knew I applied, they knew how bad I wanted it.

They just didn't seem to care.

Don't be a brat Sophie, they're all on edge because of mom.

I hold my breath as I read the letter, the first words and-

We are sorry to inform you....

We are sorry...

To inform..


The words repeat in my head, torturing me until I break down into tears, why did they reject me?

I fall to the floor of my bedroom and just stare at the first words of the letter, my rejection.

Informing me I'm not good enough for their rich school, I should have known, my brothers told me it was a long shot and I should have listened.

I'm such a disappointment, no wonder mom doesn't want to be around me.

"Hey honey, your mom's here" dad's voice comes through as he knocks on the door.

Oh no, I can't let them all see me like this, I quickly stand up and wipe my eyes.

"Just a minute," I mutter and quickly rush through to pat my hair and make myself look presentable. I speak her name in my head and she appears, I wish it worked like that all the time.

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