Chapter 7

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I was walking in the hallways towards the hall to meet up with Liv and the others when i was pushed into the girls toilets. I turned around, stunned, and aw a fuming brunette standing there, her manicured hands on her hips.
« Uhh, can I help you ? » I questioned, already fed up with whatever was happening. She glared at me, trying to seem intimidating. She walked towards me and backed me up into the wall Am I not getting a break today ? I asked myself inwardly.
« Yeah you can you tramp » she spat in my face. I looked up at her, stunned by her words and i felt anger rising within me. I pushed her away from me and walked forward as she stumbled back. « What can I do for you bitch ? » I sneered « You can stay away from Ezra for example. He doesn't need a whore Ike you hanging on his arms and begging for attention. You're not his style anyways, you're too ugly or him, I mean, look at you » she laughed. I looked at her in disbelief and burst out laughing. I almost folded over, and looked up at her eyes that were glaring at me « Cherie, do you really think I'm going after your man ? We're barely friends, and even if I was going after him, he's free to make his own choices and apparently, you aren't one of his » I pouted mockingly at her and didn't wait for her answer. I stormed out the room and headed to class.
As per usual, Ezra sat down besides me, despite the glaring bitch standing not far away.
« What's got you all riled up love ? » he smirked at me. Glanced at him « Your bitch of a girlfriend attacked me in the toilets, telling me to stay away from you » I whispered harshly. He looked at me weirdly as if I had said the most absurd thing ever « My girlfriend ? »
« Uh yeah, that brunette sat in the corner that's staring into our soul » he turned around and looked towards her and then back to me, frowning. « That's not my girlfriend love, that's Kelly, she's been obsessed with me since forever. She's batshit crazy » he smirked down at me, his eyes twinkling. I glared half-heartedly at him « Yeah well kindly ask her to not shove me into lockers and scratch my face off with those hideous nails of her ». He laughed and shook his head.
The rest of the class was just us chatting and laughing together. He surprised me with his joking nature and soft eyes. I thought he was an entitled asshole who thought he was above everyone, turns out I was wrong.
« Maman, Papa, je suis rentrée ! » I shouted from downstairs, and headed to my room. My mom was standing into the doorframe, and smiled at me « Oh sweetie, we were just waiting for you, we're going to see old family friends, you know Ezra, your little boyfriend from when you were young » she teased smiling. I gaped at her « But-But i thought they left South Africa ? » i stuttered « Oh well they did, but not for long, and they came back » and she walked the hallway, leaving me flabbergasted and angry. I didn't want to see him at all. He abandoned me. I hated him.
Despite my reluctance to go, I got dressed and slipped on a short, backless, sparkly indigo dress with a bare back and the sleeves rested on my upper forearms. I slipped on my jewelry, and sprayed on my hibiscus perfume.
We got into the car and drove out of the driveway. The drive wasn't long and we soon pulled up in front of a huge house. I didn't remember Ezra being that rich when we left Cape Town but let's say that now, he lived in a mansion in front of Hout Bay. We parked the car and stepped towards the front door, rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer. The door opened to Ezra's mother, Catherine who had a bright smile splayed on her face.
« The Logans ! Welcome back ! » she smiled and embraced us.
« Catherine it's so good to see you darling » my mother exclaimed and brought her in a tight hug. They used to be inseparable.
She ushered us inside and led us to the dining room, where Frank was sat. He too embraced us warmly and welcomed us to sit, pouring each of us a drink. I took a simple strawberry lemonade.
« Catherine, I brought some homemade velvet cupcakes, should i put them in the kitchen ? » I asked gesturing to the tray filled freshly baked cupcakes. « Aw honey that's so sweet of you, yes just put them on the kitchen counter it's down that hallway on your right. You go there whilst I call Ezra down » She pointed out a hallway and I headed that way, dreading the moments to come. I found the kitchen, after many failed attempts and placed the tray on the counter, per Catherine's request. I leaned my elbows on the cool surface and breathed out a heavy sigh, mentally preparing myself for what was to come.
FlashBack :
« Try and catch me now loser ! » The little girl giggled as she ran in the flowery plain, wind sweeping through her long curly locks and the sun illuminating her features. A little boy with golden hair and bright green eyes ran after her, laughing and smiling wildly.
« You better run Hibiscus, because if I catch you ! » he warned playfully as he sped up, ponding his little feet on the grass. He finally caught up to her and tackled her to the ground. They both laughed hysterically, their limbs tangled together. They stayed laying on the soft grass, breathing heavily, with wide smiles on their faces. They looked at each other, and the little boy gripped her hand.
« Together forever » he murmured, looking into her bright blue eyes
« Together forever » she echoed, smiling at the boy.
End of flashback
A tiny part of me wished it would just be Ezra from school, so that it would be easier, but that would be crazy right ? Right ?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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