Chapter 5

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I woke up with a splitting headache and groaned as I opened my eyes to be met by an unfamiliar room. That's when I spotted a mass of tangled blond hair on the pillow next to mine and remembered where I was. Last night's events were hazy and I didn't remember much after Alex or whatever his name was. « Putain ma tête je vais mourrir » I cursed in French. Usually, people who weren't French especially Americans romanticized our language and called it the language of love, but let's e honest, as a native French speaker, the language is actually really crude, that's why i prefer cursing i French, the insults are more creative.
I tried to wake Liv by pushing her a little but ended up shoving her off the bed « What the fuck » she groaned but stayed lying face down on the floor. « Liv wake up I'm hungry » I whined and got up from the bed « Five more minutes » she mumbled sleepily and I sighed, heading towards the bathroom for an Advil. I ended up taking a shower and made blueberry pancakes, my personal favorite, alone in Liv's kitchen. Her parents were away at Hermanus for the week-end so we had the house to ourselves. Liv joined me in the dining room and shoveled the pancakes in her mouth, I even took a picture of her with a mouth full of pancakes and maple syrup dripping down her chin. This was definitely going to be used as a bargaining chip.

I had come back home on foot, since we didn't live that far away and I took the chance to stop at a 7/11 and buy fizzers, those were my guilty pleasure or « Péché mignon » as the French call it.
« Mom, Dad I'm home ! » I shouted from the door, making myself known. « Hey honey, we were just about to serve lunch, you hungry ? » my mom answered « No I'm good, I ate at Liv's » and climbed up the stairs to my room. I changed into something confortable and sat down at my desk.
I had worked all afternoon and dinner was soon to be served. I stretched my back and padded towards my phone. I had received a call from an unknown caller ID but chose to ignore it, thinking it was a scam.
We ate dinner, Dad had cooked a quiche and we had homemade coconut ice cream which was divine. Coconut and you hurt are the best ice cream flavor argue with a wall.
I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, the headache from the hangover still at the back of my head.

« What class do you have next » Liv asked peering hind my shoulder to take a look at my time table « We have P.E together that's so cool ! » she exclaimed and skipped towards the track course. I had always loved running, and was really good at it, so track was going to be an easy A. We changed in the locker rooms and I slipped on my nike pro's and a white tank top.
We stepped on the track waiting for the rest of the class when I saw the person I despised most step out the locker rooms. I scowled at him and turned away, not wanting to look at his face any longer. I did however notice that something had changed in the way her looked at me, his eyes were not the usual cold glare but rather a soft almost sad look. I ignored it and got ready to run. As soon as the whistle was blown I sprinted down the track, the familiar ponding of my feet on the ground relaxing me. I didn't pay any mind to the rest of the class that was far behind, and continued running to my rhythm in peace. Peace that was disturbed by a heavy set of feet sounding right next to me. I looked to my right and there he was, in all his glory. He, of course, hadn't even broken a sweat and was looking right at me with light, curious eyes. I chose to ignore him and looked in front of me again and ran ahead, only for him to increase his pace and catch up to me easily. « What do you want Chatfield ? » I huffed out « We need to talk » I scoffed and pumped my legs faster in an effort to get away from him, but he did the exact same « I'm serious Hibi- Logan I need to tell you something » he gritted out. I hadn't realized my pace had slowed until I took a glimpse behind my shoulder and saw Clara, a girl in my class not too far away. I nodded at him and sprinted away, fed up with his antics.
I had finished first and Chatfield a close second, and my legs were aching as i stepped towards the changing rooms, only to be pulled by an arm and pushed into a toilet stall. I looked up to see Chatfield staring down at me intently. I squirmed under his unfaltering gaze and looked away. « What did you want to tell me ? » I huffed out, still out of breath from P.E class, he poked at me slightly irritated « About the other night-» I cut him off immediately « There's nothing to say about last night, I was drunk and nothing happened between us » I didn't mean to be so harsh, but the truth is, I had lost my favorite bracelet, one of my most prized possession at that party and the terrible hangover didn't help alleviate the fall. « I know but if you would just listen to me for a moment » and with that, he shoved something in my hand, looking at me expectantly. I opened my palm and gasped, it was my bracelet, the one Ezra and I had in common. He had found it. I stayed silent for a moment, staring down at my open palm and lifted my gaze to look into his eyes, who were looking softly at the bracelet I was holding. « Thanks Chatfield » i cleared my throat awkwardly, not knowing what else to say. He smiled down at me, not a smirk, a real genuine smile that lit up the room and nodded. Dimples. He had dimples. Life was so unfair, how could someone so infuriating look so good, and look even better smiling ? I finally snapped out of my trance, hoping he didn't catch me staring and was about to leave the stall when his voice stopped me « Oh and by the way, it's Ezra for you, not Chatfield » I could hear the smirk in his voice as i stayed facing towards the door. My ears reddened and I nodded « Sure thing, bye Ezra. Et merci encore ».
I left the toilets and headed towards the parking lot, where Liv was waiting for me, talking to Lily, without noticing the brunette leaning behind a tree with steam coming out of her ears as she glared at me.

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