Chapter 4

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I was awoken by my my phone as the screen flashed Olivia's name. I picked up the talk, and groggily answered « Why in hell are you calling me this early on a Saturday ? » i grumbled « Hello to you too grumpy » she answered cheerfully, her voice way too loud for my sensitive ears. « Liv I'm serious what's up ? » she laughed slightly « I'm heading to yours right now, we are going dress shopping » what the hell was she blabbing about, is this a dream or something « Liv, are you on drugs right now ? Why would we need to go dress shopping ? » « Of course not dummy, we were invited to a beach party for tonight, so we need dresses so we can look smoking hot » she answered as if it was the most obvious thing ever « Olivia I love you, but don't you think you should have told me sooner ? Plus, I've got a massive Science test on Monday and i have to study » I sighed « I don't care Lia, you need to socialize a little, live a little, you just came back, enjoy the beach and the friends. » « I don't know Liv... » i muttered in the microphone, debating wether I should go or not « Oh come on, please, for me ? We haven't been to a party together in so long, plus it'll be fun i promise » she asked, sounding hopeful.

Flash forward, I think you guessed it, I caved. She's right I do have to get out a little and have fun, plus maybe I'll meet nice people. We were currently walking through Waterfront, aka the best mall ever. We both held a Starbucks drink in hand, as per tradition. Liv had gotten an iced coffee and i had ordered a Dragon fruit refresher. We had done most of the shops that had any potential dresses, there was just one left. Liv had found a dress already, it was a short lilac dress, with spaghetti straps and a square neck.
We entered the shop and started browsing through the racks. I had picked up a couple of dresses, and headed towards the changing room. I ended up picking a white strapless dress that tied behind my back, it swept until my feet, with different flowy layers. It was beautiful, and perfect for the beach.
Liv drove us back to my house and since it was still early in the afternoon, we binged watched Outer banks until the time for the party approached. We started getting ready, I slipped on my dress and did my hair, I chose to let it down in it's natural curly state, as it reached down to my lower back. I added light makeup to my face, some blush, mascara and highlighter basically everywhere, what can I say, I love glitter. Olivia had opted for heavier makeup, she had a perfect winged eyeliner and matching purple eyeshadow dusted on her eyelids.
« We look good ! » she exclaimed and winked.
« Of course we do Liv, we're gonna make jaws fall to the floor » i winked back and laughed
I quickly sprayed on my usual perfume, stacked my favorite jewelry and we both headed towards her car sitting in the driveway.
The ride to the beach was beautiful, with the sun starting it's descent, and Rihanna blaring from the speakers. I had missed this, Cape Town was so different from Paris, but good different, it felt like home. Olivia had this rule about being fashionably late to any event, even though i hated arriving late anywhere, so when we parked the car, the party was already in full blast.
We headed towards the beach, where a huge bonfire was lit and teenagers danced around to loud music. There was a table full of any liquor you could imagine, and a few empty boxes of pizza, long discarded. Liv made a beeline to the alcohol table and handed me a red cup. I had never been a big drinker, so when i felt the strong burn spread down my throat, I almost spit it out, but didn't out of dignity.
After a few glasses and a couple of shots, let's say i was shitfaced drunk. I was dancing and laughing, my arm around Liv's shoulders. At some point, she shouted in my ear something about going to get a drink, but i payed her no mind as i danced to the beat. I felt a pair of hands on my waist and hot breath down my neck and turned around to face a brown haired guy i didn't recognize. We started dancing together, my intoxicated state not minding the close proximity to the stranger.
At some point me and Alex, the guy from earlier stopped dancing and had walked away from the drunken group of teens.
« So what's your story new girl ? » he slurred and looked down at me
« My name's not new girl dummy, it's Ophelia » I giggled ans placed a hand on his biceps. At this point, I was to far gone to think of my actions. He smirked « Where'd you come from Ophelia ? » « I come from France » i smiled brightly the alcohol making me extra bubbly.
« Really ? That's sick can you speak French ? » he questioned smiling down drunkenly at me «Bien sur que je parle français, c'est ma seconde langue » I answered loudly in French in an attempt to cover the music blaring in the background « That's so hot » he muttered and started leaning down towards my face. I lifted myself up on my tippy toes, inching my face closer to his, but was stopped when a hand gripped my forearm and pulled me away. I stumbled back into a hard chest and lifted my head up to meet cold green eyes.
« Hey Travis, how about you don't take advantage of drunk girls this time huh ? » Chatfield called out to Alex smirking coldly at him.
« My name's not Travis man, and I'm not taking advantage of her, she wants it to » he slurred and looked at me for support but i was dozing  off on Chatfield's chest, too drunk to register any word of the exchange. Chatfield didn't bother to answer and pulled me away and walked away from the party, dragging our feet in the sand.
« Where are you taking me » I slurred and tugged my forearm from his gentle grip. But apparently I was too drunk to even walk on my own and i stumbled on my feet. « Merde » I spat as i felt myself near the the sand, but i was stopped when two strong arms wrapped around my waist securely and raised e to my feet « Merci beau gosse » I smiled up cheekily at te beautiful man in front of me, who's arm were still wrapped around me. He cleared his throat and released me, I took this as an opportunity to try and shimmy out of my dress and fumbled with the knot in my back. « Hey hey hey what are you doing right now ? » he questioned and gripped my wrists to stop me from stripping naked « I wanna go swim » i slurred and unsuccessfully tried to free my wrists « Are you crazy the water is freezing and you're drunk Logan » his eyes widened as if i had said the most absurd thing ever. I huffed and reluctantly abandoned my idea. I plopped down on the cool sand and folded my legs so that my knees were in front of my face. I felt Chatfield sit down next to me and we sat there in silence, looking at the small waves crash on the sand.
« How come you speak French ? » he broke the silence « I lived there for 6 years » I answered simply, the earlier high washing off slowly.
« I used to live here you know ? I lived here for five years in the same house I'm in right now, but I had to leave for my parent's job. I had to leave my whole life behind, I abandoned my best friend and I haven't spoken to him in years » I continued not giving him a chance to answer. « What happened with your best friend ? » he uttered silently, his gaze burning in the side of my head. « We were heart broken that I was leaving, but we promised each other that we'd stay in contact, I even made us matching bracelets. But a year after my departure, he suddenly stopped answering my letters, my calls and my texts. I don't know what happened, but I was heart broken, I didn't understand what I had done wrong and I haven't heard anything from him since. You wanna know, you have the same name as his, he's called Ezra too, but he's sweet not mean like you. » I hadn't realized I had begun crying until i felt a hot tear slide down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and looked at the peaceful water. Without thinking, i let my head fall on his shoulder and felt him tense underneath, but her relaxed just as quickly. I don't really remember anything after that, and i was half asleep when i heard him utter quietly « You never did anything wrong Hibiscus ». I don't know if i imagined this, but i lifted my head from his shoulder and turned my face to him « What was that ? » i asked half asleep, exhaustion weighing on me « Nothing don't worry » he dismissed and looked away. I ignored it and looked down at my watch, and that's when i saw it was one in the morning, and that Liv was probably waiting for me, worried. I jumped up « Oh my god, it's so late, Liv's gonna be worried sick ! » I exclaimed. Chatfield opened his mouth but i cut him off « I gotta bounce now, bye Chatfield ! » I waved and run off towards the car, not bothering to wait for his response.
As expected, Olivia was leaning against the car door, furiously typing on her phone. I cautiously tapped her shoulder and she spun around « Where the hell have you been ?! I texted you 50 times ! » she shouted « I know I'm sorry i just wanted to get away from the party for a little » i looked down at my shoes and stayed silent.
We got in the car and rove away quickly. Liv hadn't drunk that much alcohol so she was able to drive us safely back at her place. Me on the other hand, it was another story. Apparently I started crying in the car about god knows what and then started giggling. Freaked Liv out who took me to her house and dragged me to her bed. The moment my head touched the pillow i instantly fell asleep snoring loudly, according to Liv

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