Serious conversation 2

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The girls had a photo shoot today. A large number of decorations, costumes, and people. Not a moment to relax. But still, having spared the girls, it was decided to take a short break. Rose took a bottle of water from the mini fridge and went to her girlfriend. The last part of the photo shoot was with a rapidly flickering light. And after that, Jennie didn't feel well. Halfway there, the girl was stopped by the manager.

-Park, where are you going?

Rose tensed a little. She already understood where the conversation might lead.

-I need to see Jennie. She's not feeling well after the last photo shoot....

-I'm sorry, but the director said that you should have less contact in such places.

The girl began to get angry.

-Right now, I don't really care what he said. Jennie needs me now, and I'm going to her. We don't show our relationship in public. So why should we forbid, at least just to interact? As friends.

The manager said nothing and left. Rose, no longer in a good mood, went to Jennie. Already approaching her girlfriend, she tried to hide her terrible mood, and smiled.

-Jennie, how are you?

She sits down next to the brown-haired girl. Jennie smiled faintly.

-My head is a little dizzy. But I'm fine.

-Here, you'll feel better.- Rose handed her the water.

Kim smiles, takes the bottle, and rests her head on the younger's shoulder.

-When you came, I felt better.

At that moment, Rose forgot about everything. About the fact that they are in the studio. About the fact that a couple of minutes ago, she quarreled with the manager. She just sits there smiling, hugging the girl. And she doesn't need anything else. The break ended very quickly. Next, according to the plan, they have a couple photo shoot. The photographer, like the girls, were going to split into Chaennie and Lisoo. But even then the manager intervened.

-It will be better if Jennie is with Lisa and Rose is with Jisoo.

The photographer quickly agreed. Rose is already ready to kill the manager. Jisoo dragged her into the dressing room during Jennie and Lisa's photo shoot. But the manager wasn't done with that. They drove home in two cars. The older ones in one, the younger ones in the other. Upon arrival, the girls immediately ran to their rooms. After a while, Jennie went to Rose's room. Park was playing with Hank. Jennie sat down on the bed.

-Honey... Is everything okay?


Jennie sighs heavily.

-Rose... At least don't lie to me. I can see that. Is it because of the manager again?

The blonde's gaze filled with anger.

-Why ask if you know the answer?

It was too harsh. Harsh and rude. Jennie was sitting in shock. Even during their quarrels, Rose never responded like that. Park, realizing what she had done, just got up and left the room, leaving the girl alone.

20 minutes later, Rose was standing outside the YG building. Upon entering, she immediately headed towards the office of the head of the company.

-Can I come in?

-Roseanne. What happened? Yes, come in.

Rose went into the office and stood in front of the table. She was offered a seat, but she refused.

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