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Year 849
60 kilometers southeast of Trost

The crunch and growl of snow came to a stop as Y/N's mount steadied itself in the knee-high powder. The wind billowed past his hood, whipping the green cloth back and forth until it was almost a rhythm.
  His horse let out a content sigh. It had grown tired of standing around all week and was itching for its warm stalls and piles of hay.
  "You 'n' me both." Y/N said. The horse seemed to respond with a nod, earning itself an amused huff.
  "Let's see what's out there." Y/N felt it was in vain to scout these lands. Without a tree in sight or ridge to hide behind, he could tell at a moment's glance that there weren't any Titans.
  Better safe than sorry. He thought, clearing his throat. He lifted his spyglass and scanned the icy land before him.
  The skies were clear, the distant wall tended to, and there wasn't a sign of Titans for as far as he could see.
  The others had lagged behind, keeping enough of a gap between them both that a rapid response wasn't out of the realm of possibility and a safe retreat or reroute was guaranteed.
  He hummed to himself in acknowledgment. It was a safe ride from here on. Reaching into his pack, he held and loaded a flair gun to paint the sky green with its payload.
  He sat and waited for the others to catch up. As he stared into the white expanse before him, his mind went adrift.
  What did I get myself into? He asked for what felt like the millionth time. All you had to do was keep your mouth shut and you'd be at an inn with some hot food and ale...
  Soon enough the crunch of snow became a low rumble, matching the sound of the wind.
  "None of your friends showed up, I see." Levi jabbed. Y/N wasn't sure if he was calling him ugly again or if it was a joke of his profession. In truth, Y/N wasn't all that bothered by it.
  "Not today." The Scout replied.
  "Then it's smooth sailing from here." Oluo announced. He went on ahead in a saunter, unimpeded by the Commander. Gunther and Eld joined him soon after.
  "I'll stick to the ridge." With his hand a knife, Y/N carved a path over the nearby hilltop. By now the others knew he preferred being alone.
  "We'll keep an eye on the fields." Nifa added, just out of earshot. It was a more relaxed day than usual but the others remained on their guard.
  As his steed trudged up the hill, Y/N heard someone follow. With the winds and freezing air, he didn't want to jeopardize his warm cocoon by turning back.
  "Hey!" He heard Hange shout through the wind. "Wait up!"
  Y/N stopped. He knew why, but preferred not to make it very open. He waited patiently; watching approaching clouds they were racing to Trost.
  "You're getting better." She complimented, referring to his riding. "Better than me, dare I say."
  "And why's that?" He asked curiously. She was a full-fledged Scout, why wasn't she proficient on a horse?
  "Feet on the ground and pen in hand is more my shtick." She sighed as her trot came to a walk. Y/N gave a gentle kick and adjusted his reigns to follow along.
  Rising to the top of the ridge the two were met with the glistening landscape. It gave Y/N pause, a moment for a deep breath to take it all in.
  "Beautiful." Hange added while brushing past. "It's almost romantic."
  "You're suggesting that under different circumstances it would be?" Y/N asked with a cocked brow.
  "Maybe." She chuckled. "It definitely sounds alluring, don't you think?"
  "Maybe." A mumble and his face cover made his response barely audible.
  "Hmm?" She leaned closer with a cheeky smile. "What was that?"
  "What's your deal?" The question had been at the tip of his tongue, begging to come loose for weeks. When he asked it, he almost regretted letting it slip.
  "My deal?" She frowned at his question.
  "What makes me so interesting...?" He sighed and his words hung in the air long enough for his breath to freeze his face cover. "This isn't some elaborate plan to pay me back, is it?"
  "You don't mince words, do you?" Hange asked through a laugh. He grunted in return and she continued. "Is it so strange to think that two black sheep are two peas in a pod...?"
  Her question stole any response. They wiped his brain of any possible words to string together and brought a great smile to Hange's lips.
  They rode and snow crunched. Y/N's eyes were drawn to the plains below. He scanned them; not finding any Titans he instead found the reply he was looking for.
  "To answer your question..." He paused; hesitant to speak. "It does - It would sound nice."
  "I know it does." She answered smugly.

Attack on Titan: Survival and Dedication - Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now