Sneaky squirrels

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//Theias pov//

I dont know why i did what i did in the river last night. The sight of him, handsome and very obviously flustered, made me think of what else he was capable of. I had felt part of what he was capabke of using, and i can just say. It was a substantial enough size that i have been thinking all night about us doing more than simple flirting.

I couldn't even face him this morning. I immediately offered to hunt, and the near ran deeper into the woods. I cursed myself for letting this get to me as much as it did. It didn't feel important at the time, but now.. now it feels real. I had started this trip with the aim of shutting him out, and all i have achieved is letting him in more.

I make a simple rabbit trap while i think.

Would it be all that bad to let my guard down with him? It's more than i already have. He doesn't want to kill me, which is a start. Yes, he is only with me because of his own Fae agenda, but maybe it's becoming something more for him, too?

I place the trap and lean my back against a tree, peering around the corner, over my shoulder. I watched the rabbit hop into the trap, the hole i had dug and covered with leaves, too deep for the rabbit to jump out. What if that was exactly what I was doing? Again. Like i did with Ethan and Lyssa. I'm running into a trap that I've covered with my own optimism. I felt pity for the rabbit and set it free.

I hear a chuckle. "Dont fancy rabbit anymore?" The voice doesn't belong to Max or Nyx. It sounds feminine. I turn to see a red-haired woman leaning against a tree.
"And you are?"
"A friend."
"I'll be the judge of that."
She goes to move off the tree, and a dagger pins her sleeve to the bark before she can get far.
"What do you want?"
"To help, im a friend."
She wore a long blood red velvet cape. The inside is lined with a darker material, but it doesn't do much to dampen the near neon outer layer. I dont know how i didn't spot her coming from a mile away. Curse Nyx for distracting me.
"So... friend. What have you got to say? Why should i let you walk away?"
She laughs and picks at her nails.
"Oh honey, I'll be leaving either way. But since im feeling nice today, I'll ignore your threat and offer you some advice. Dont trust those you travel with. They keep dangerous secrets from you."
"Why should i believe you?"
"Believe me... or dont. It's your loss, i couldnt care less."
What the fuck. This woman was wierd.
"What secret is Max keeping?"
"So quick to assume the other is innocent..."
Then she disappeared. Literally vanished within a blink. It would suck if blinking was another thing that people used to their advantage, Theia didn't think she could give that up as easily.

I shook my head. Maybe I was more tired than I thought I was. But it felt so real? I spend the next hour hunting a squirrel. Sneaky little things make you think you have them, and then they slip away. They take advantage of my dislike of killing innocent animals. I trudged back to camp, still a bit shaken by the weird woman i saw. I'll speak to Nyx. He will know who she is, probably some weird fae.

"Whats your plan?"
Nyx and Max sat close together, talking in low voices.
"What do you mean?" Nyx is rubbing the stubble that had begun to grow on his face.
"Well, they are going to kill her." Max seems more concerned than Nyx.
"Yeah. It's out of my control. All I can do is take her to where i said i would. What happens after that isn't up to me. Im just doing my job."
His job? Nyx was supposed to help me learn my powers to overthrow the king. He doesn't want me to die, does he?
"You truly won't put up a fight if they claim their right to take her?"
"It's beyond my control. She wouldn't make a good queen anyway. She acts on impulse. No thought. Maybe she would be better off if they did."
It would be better off if they took me. If they killed me. That's what he is saying. i dont know who they are, but i guess that woman was right.
They are keeping secrets.

I weigh my options, run, and he eventually catches up to me. Or stay and find out who 'they' are. Then, come up with a plan. My decision is made for me when Nyx turns to look in my direction. I pretend that i didn't hear anything.
"Those squirrels are an absolute menace. Sorry I took so long."
I decided to keep my encounter with the woman to myself. For now, she hadn't proved to be a threat.

Not like Nyx. I kick myself for letting him get in. He was always using me, but now he wants me dead. Well fuck him. He will find out just who he is travelling with. Im one of the best assassins and a powerful fae. One that is heir to the throne. I will use him right back.

Hello again,

TRUST NO MAN (Not even hot shadow fae).

So, I've been writing a new book (ideas are endless), but i will continue writing this one as i have already got everything plotted out.

It would mean the world to me if you could check the other book out, which will be updated much more regularly (from tears and ash).

Anyways, until the next chapter.
Scroll on.
Love, Onya xxx

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