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The sound of footsteps wakes me. Someones in the house. I had put a cover over the window that I'd smashed. Clearly, it didn't ward off intruders. I take the dagger out from under my pillow. Wearing only my loose shirt and some underwear, i clamber out of bed, shivering at the cold that meets my bare legs.The universe seems to have decided that i only need one hour of sleep every night, i disagree.

I tip toe towards my door, having already memorised which floorboards creak. I can hear the footsteps getting closer. I position myself behind the open door when i start to feel the vibrations of the intruder's steps through the floor. I hold my breath as the very tall intruder throws a shadow across the room, now standing in the doorway. I wait until they step on the creaky floorboard, and then I push them against the wall, holding my dagger to their neck. A grunt is the only sound they make.
"Who are you?" I can't see much in the dark other than a faint outline.
"Who are you?" A deep voice echoes the question.
"I asked you first, now talk." I press the cold metal against the intruders neck to make my point.
"I mean no harm."
"That's not what I asked."
"Im looking for Theia."
My pressure on the dagger loosens in shock, and that's all the intruder needs to push the dagger out my hand and flip me against the wall, caging me in with his body.
"My turn. Who are you?"
His warmth envelops me, and I let out a shakey breath. My focus is on how to escape this mans presence. Somehow, the shadows around us dissapate, but his face is covered. Is he one of Atels assassins? I dont get a chance to ask that question as he immediately grabs me by the neck and pushes me up against the wall.
"What did you do with Theia?"
Rather, quick to assume im not her. Even if i wanted to tell him that i am, in fact, Theia, he is holding me far too tightly for me to get a word out. The fact that he doesn't recognise me means he isn't with Atel. Then why is he looking for me?

I let out a choked noise, and he lets me go. Unsheathing a sword, which he points at my neck in place of where his hand was. A sword i realise i recognise when the stone catches some of the very little light that comes in from the hallway.
"Oh, it's you. Coming back for some more damsel in distress shit, are we?  Gonna drug me again?"
He sighs, "I didn't drug you."
"Sure you didn't. I bet you couldn't get any women with your teeny tiny -"
Im cut off when he lets the tip of the sword graze my neck, "I'd be careful how you finish that sentence." He makes a pointed look at the sword. It annoys me that I can only see his eyes. The rest of him was covered in black leather fighting gear, a hood over his head, and a cover over his nose and mouth. He gets to be all secretive and covered, but I have everything below mid-thigh on display. My hair loose and face bare.
"Fuck you."
His eyes brighten a little and I imagine he is smiling.
"You talk a whole lot even when you dont have any emotional support daggers on you. Are you gonna cry without them? Do you want me to find you some metal to hold? Would that help?"
"You mother fucking asshole. I will kill you so slowly you won't -"
He hits be in the head with the hilt of his sword, and im out cold.

I wake up when water is poured over me. Im tied to my own chair in my own bathroom. That dickhead. I look down to see my wet shirt clinging to my skin. Hugging every curve of my body. I see that his eyes roam, too.
"Was the water necessary to wake me up, or did you just want a view?"
He clears his throat and returns his eyes to mine. He has since turned the light on and removed his face coverings. So I can see him clearly. The same hard facial features i remember greet me. His jaw twitching in annoyance.
"No, please, dont stop admiring on my account. I like the flattery it strokes my ego."
"Shut up."
"A man of many words."
He swallows, and i watch his adams apple move. I would be incredibly happy if the roles were to be reversed. Not only because I wouldn't be in this situation but the thought of him, soaked and tied to a chair, the muscles I remember (far too well) on display is a nice thought. Shame he is such a dickhead, waste of an attractive man.

"Where is Theia?"
"If you had let me explain before nearly strangling me to death and knocking me out, i would have told you that i -"
"Whats this?"
"Would you stop interrupting me. You asked the question thats SO important, let me fucking answer."
He walks towards me pointing at my chest. I laugh.
"Have you never seen tits before? You poor man. Almost explains your actions."
He meets my eyes with a straight face "Ive been with more women than you can count, ofcourse ive seen tits before."
Though i bet none were as good as mine.
"Whats this?" He undoes the top button of my shirt and brings out the necklace. He immediately drops it and steps back.
"Who are you?" He whispers.
"I've been trying to tell you. Im Theia, who the fuck are you?"
"Nyxolas." He says under his breath while he seems to be in shock.

So he is Nyxolas, the one Hestia and Leius were talking about. The one that was looking for me. He evidently didn't know it was me that day we met at the pub. Maybe he knows who I am, why everyone keeps talking about knowing something about me.

He seems to get a hold of himself and hastily begins to untie me from the chair.
"Well, what do you want?"
"To talk."
"A whole lot of dramatics for a little chat, dont you think?"
"There wouldn't need to be a whole lot of dramatics if it wasn't you."
He shakes his head in disbelief.
"You are Theia?"
"Yes. Im fucking Theia, why is that so surprising?"
"Just thought you'd be nicer... and less mouthy."
"You wanna see what this mouth can do?" I wink.
"And less inappropriate."
"I have no clue who the Theia you're talking about is, but it's not me."
"That's the annoying thing, it is you."

He finishes untying me and steps back. I rub at my wrists.
"Now what?"
He runs his hand through his hair, "Now, we talk."

Me again,

So Nyx knows she is Theia now, and he isn't very happy about it. Theia knows he's been looking for her but doesn't know why. Drammaaa.

What do we think?

Anyways, scroll on.
Love, Onya x

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