A bakers wife

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TW// knives and detail of blood - there will most likely be a large amount of that in the rest of the book//

I have no idea of the time when we reach the village but everywhere is asleep, except that wretched pub. I scowl at it and lead the panting Peggy to the stables. I see no little girl, nor her father, so i leave Peggy in an empty stable, writing a scrawled note on their bookings notebook.

To Katerina,
Pegasus is yours. Look after her well. Sorry I couldnt stop to say hi, ill try visit.

It seems today is a day of leaving my enclosure but also all the things i love along with it. I think it's why i didn't have the guts to leave, i kept convincing myself that one day, i would be free with the people i loved. Peggy snorts, and the horse i loved. Reluctantly, I shut her in.

I put some money down on top of my note while i steal some tack and another horse. Atel knows he's looking for an assassin on a dappled grey. If i left her behind, he would lose part of his trail. I would think about disguising myself later on. For now, i need to keep moving.

I had picked the sturdiest looking mount. No one will ever live up to Peggy, but dureability was a good start. The horse seemed friendly enough as i led it outside, nearly walking into a hunched over man. "Gonna give me something to apologise, sweetheart. A kiss will do."
Him... even sober he looks like a goblin, a toad, an ugly shrivelled up troll. I decided to ignore him. I have places to be. I walk past and use the mounting block to mount the hefty cob horse.
"You can ride me like you ride that horse." He just doesn't shut up. I continue to ignore him while i fix the saddle.
"You aren't even that good-looking anyway."
Well, now he's just lying. I turn the horse to face him.
"Ah, there you are, sweetheart. Give me a smile."
I do smile. I smile as the dagger hits his head. What a beautiful sight. I didn't have the time nor the energy to get off and retrieve the dagger. That's another nice dagger lost to poor excuses of men.

I plan to go further West, though until I've removed my tracker, I go north. I just need to get a bit further away and give myself time to remove it. I suspect the lack of a chase currently is because Atel can follow me at his own leisure tracking my movements. I head deep into the woods, riding for around an hour before i decide on a clearing by a stream. I let the horse drink while i rummaged through my bag.

I pull out the papers I stole from Atel. Ethan and Lyssa's files are left, along with my note, in the tree that we attached a rope swing to a few years back. I passed it on the way to the village and decided it would be the safest place if they remember it exists. The rest of the papers I haven't had a chance to read yet, but i only plan on skim reading to see if they can help with my tracker problem. I really dont want to carve it out of my arm if i can avoid it.

I remove them from my bag, and something lands at my feet. A necklace? Very wierd for Atel to keep locked away. I hold it up towards the now rising sun. From the gold chain hangs dozens of little stars, each chainlink holding 2 or more. At the centre of the necklace hangs a sun set with a stone in the middle. The transparent stone glistens a rainbow, similar to what was on that random mans sword. It's beautiful. I place it round my neck, just for safekeeping, of course. It sits perfectly, the sun sitting just below my collar bone.

I instinctively fiddle with it while i look through the rest of the papers. Most of the pages are handwritten in Atel's lopsided handwriting (a brief scan tells me it has nothing to do with a tracker), a few missing posters for a young girl which I brush past and finally my file. Why it was kept locked away, i dont know. But the paper folder is near to bursting.

The horse (which i need to name) snorts, bringing me back to reality. It's pure luck that I haven't been caught yet. I need to hurry up, especially now that i need to perform a minor surgery on my own arm. I choose my sharpest dagger and lay out all the medical supplies i stole in front of me. Alcohol to clean (and maybe drink), a bandage to cover and balm that speeds up healing.

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