Full Throttle Heart - 10 - Into Town

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[Truck-kun drove slowly through the middle of town, both to match his allies' speed and so as not to marr the dirt road. The group doesn't get far before a crowd gathers around them. The townsfolk look upon Truck-kun with

"He's a knight?"

"That's the biggest knight I ever saw!"

"Looks more like a horse..."

"What kind of armor is that?"

Truck-kun had never had so much attention focused on it, not even in the repair shop when its timing belt had snapped. Morden looked as uneasy as Truck-kun felt. Meanwhile, Gabriel seemed to revel in the attention, speaking as easily to children as he did adults.

One small child stumbled up and smiled at her distorted reflection in Truck-kun's hubcap.

"Tweet tweet."

Al tried to sound like a bluebird, but his tweeting sounded like the final spurts of a ketchup bottle.

Morden pulled at his collar nervously, and whispered, "The birds aren't very convincing this year."

Al shot him a glare, as if to say, hey, I'm trying here.

"Tweet tw—tweght. Tweght—hegh!" Al sputtered into a coughing fit.

Two kids pointed up Al. "Mommy, I think that bird is dying."

Al tilted his head in confusion, then went back to his horrid tweeting.

[The group waves goodbye to the townfolk and walks to the inn. Truck-kun waits outside with Al while Gabriel and Morden go inside and talk to the innkeeper.}

Gabriel and Morden walked out a few minutes later, both looking dejected.

"How did it go?" Truck-kun asked.

Gabriel rubbed the back of his neck uneasily. "They have a room, and I have some coin, but I'm afraid there isn't room inside for you, Truck-kun. The room isn't much... and frankly, I don't think the door is wide enough either. We can check with the stables."

"That's a thing?" Morden asked.

"Oh yes. Sometimes sleeping with the horses is warmer than a scratchy bed anyway." Gabriel laughed heartily. "There's a first time for everything, young apprentice."

"No," Truck-kun said firmly. "I never went inside with Joe, and Joe never slept outside. There's no reason you should have to sleep outside either."

"Are you sure?" Gabriel asked.


"We'll see you in the morning then." Gabriel said.

He patted Truck-kun's door. Morden nodded meekly. Even all flitted to the apprentice's shoulder. Then they all went back inside the inn.

[A few minutes later, Gabriel leans outside a back window and calls for Truck-kun. The truck drives around to the back of the inn and parks near the window.]

It was a small gesture, but Truck-kun approved.

Soon after, the group turned in for the night.

Al flitted out the window and landed on Truck-kun's cab.

"Yes, Al?"

"I'll stay outside with you, Truck-dude."

"That's... nice of you, Al."

"There's too many dudes in there and not enough broads."

Truck-kun didn't comment that it was just Al and itself outside. It just rumbled in thanks.

"...Hey, can I sleep in your glove box though? I think I heard an owl."

Truck-kun cracked the window and Al fluttered into the glovebox. Soon after, the misfits fell asleep.


Dr. Venture shifted on the couch. He sat across the living room from Emmett and Clara.

"What did you think?" Clara asked emphatically.

Venture gestured at the screen. The credits were rolling, and a box popped up in the corner asking if they wanted to play the next episode.

"I don't know... I'm not sure I get it," Venture finally said.

Clara shifted in her seat. Her mouth hung open in offense.

TINA interjected. "Truck-kun is clearly a parallel for Emmett becoming a cyborg. Both are thrust into a strange new world and are marginalized for their abilities. Isekai and portal fantasy have long histories as metaphors for childhood ending and growing up."

An anime about an isekai'd truck was a parallel for Emmett's life? Utter nonsense... The last season aired four years ago.

If she had said Full Throttle Heart: Redux or Full Throttle Heart: GT, then it might've made some sense.

Emmett chuckled at the ridiculousness of TINA's statement. "I thought Dr. Venture was going to help you with your humor."

"You're clearly laughing."

Clara scoffed. "Alright, that was a slow episode. You need to watch one that has some action."

Emmett chuckled. "I don't know. I don't mind the slower ones. Maybe if we started your dad over at the beginning..."

"Oh no." Venture stood up swiftly. "I'll leave you both to it. Emmett, when you're done, we can continue our conversation."

Dr. Venture turned and walked out of section 001, leaving Emmett and Clara alone.

"Go ahead and play another episode please, TINA," Clara said. She scrunched deeper into the crook of Emmett's arm.

The Full Throttle Heart theme started playing again, and Emmett did his best to push aside thoughts of upgrades.

At least for twenty-something more minutes.

~ ~ ~

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