iii ━ shecagoo shecagoo

Start from the beginning

"Rosy." He mumbled. "I just have a concussion."

Rebecca snorted.

"Leo ripped them apart," Piper said. "He was amazing. He can summon fire"

"It was nothing," Leo said quickly.

Rebecca glared lightly. "Don't go all coy on us Valdez- he managed to kill three cyclops with a tool box."

Then Piper told the whole story with details and the part in which a latin dude with a purple shirt had been eaten.

"I'm not alone, then," he said. "There are others like me."

"Jason," Piper said, "you were never alone. You've got us."

"I-I know..."

Rebecca knew what that was, the feeling of loneliness while being surrounded with people.

"-But something Hera said. I was having a dream..."

He told them about the risky gamble Hera was taking by sending him to camp, Rebecca knew about the Romans but she had to keep quiet.

Then Leo told them he had also seen her in a Porta Potty.

Hera was trying to divide them.

The queen of the gods being a bitch? What a shock, irony intentioned.

"Heroes and gods had to work together," Jason said. "That's what Hera told me."

Rebecca clicked her tongue. "Then we are royally screwed."


Jason knew Rebecca was a liar, it was so obvious- or at least for him.

She had lied when she had said they didn't know each other, apart from the fact he had dreams about a girl with her same exact eyes, he could vaguely remember her.

Like a word stuck in the tip of your tongue, there, you can almost picture it but still unknown.

Why had she lied? No idea, but he trusted he would find out.

Then back at the forest she had pushed him away of the tree, Jason thought at first she was kicking him out of spite- but she was saving him.

He wasn't sure how much time passed before the dragon dove through a break in the clouds, and below them, glittering in the winter sun, was a city at the edge of a massive lake.

A crescent of skyscrapers lined the shore.

Behind them, stretching out to the western horizon, was a vast grid of snow-covered neighborhoods and roads.

"Chicago," Jason said.

"Shecago." Piper and Rebecca murmured at the same time, then they looked at each other. "You've seen Victorious?"



The two girls began to talk about something called Disney and something about a Cat called Sam.

He thought about what Hera had said in his dream. His worst mortal enemy would be waiting there.

But then again nothing could be scarier than a pissed Rebecca- or he thought.

"One problem down," Leo said. "We got here alive. Now, how do we find the storm spirits?"

Jason saw a flash of movement below them. At first he thought it was a small plane, but it was too small, too dark and fast.

The thing spiraled toward the skyscrapers, weaving and changing shape-and, just for a moment it became the smoky figure of a horse.

"How about we follow that one," Jason suggested, "and see where it goes?"

CIRCA 1300

If Rebeka loved anything, it was her bulls, her gorgeous Colchis Bulls.

She took care of them everyday, and the gods knew that.

The sun god Apollo decided that day to deliver his punishment.

When the sun was on its highest point he sent heat waves, Rebeka didn't pay attention to the change in temperature.

But the bulls did, slowly they grew, their skin burned, their horns grew longer, and their once silky hair was blazing.

But the worst were their heads, they turned insane.

They began to stampeded trying to get rid of the heat, not seeing what they were doing.

Rebecca was caught in the crossfire, one of the bulls had decided to pounce after her.

Suddenly something grabbed the bull and gave time to Rebeka to hide.

She looked to find her saviour. "Jason."

His golden hair was messy, two wild strands falling into his forehead- she had the sudden urge to clear them off. "Rebeka."

"You saved me." It came as a shock, because it was.

He smiled as if it was funny, it wasn't, he could've left her to die and that may had been a good enough sacrifice to the other gods- the nightmare would be over.

He knew that. Either one of them dead would do.

"Of course I did- I may not like you but I couldn't let you die."

She huffed. "You and your hero complex."

He crosse his arms. "Yeah? Well you're mean."

"Mean? What are you five. I've heard the palace boys call me worse things."

"Then they have no manners."

She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "What a gentleman." She pointed to a pathway that leaded to the city. "We have to save them."

His face fell, he had gotten momentarily distracted talking to her. "Let's save Colchis."


- this was a short chapter but next
one won't

- is anyone reading the flashbacks
or not?

- this one was slow but it's important
for the charters

flo <3

✔ 𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍  ⋆  jason grace  Where stories live. Discover now