Sweet but Mischievous (Fred Weasley)

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Finding a moment of solitude at Hogwarts can be as challenging as mastering a complex spell. The castle, brimming with life and the constant hum of young witches and wizards, seldom offers a quiet corner for introspection or a peaceful reading session. The incessant socializing, particularly with the boys' relentless pursuit of dates to Hogsmeade, can drain even the most sociable of souls. Personally, I find refuge in the pages of a book or the solace of sleep, far away from the bustling corridors and common rooms.

As I reached for a book from the top shelf, intending to return to my usual table, I noticed the most irksome boy had taken my spot. I exhaled deeply, choosing to ignore his expectant gaze as I sat down, opening my book without offering him the courtesy of acknowledgment.

"Come on, Catterall, at least look at me," he implored, his voice tinged with a mix of amusement and frustration.

Reluctantly, I met his gaze, my eyebrows arching in response to his cheeky grin. "What do you want, Fred? You know I'm preoccupied."

Fred's pout, an exaggerated display of disappointment, only earned an eye roll from me. "I thought you might be feeling lonely," he remarked, his pout deepening as he toyed with his fingers.

"Fred, you're well aware that the mountain of homework we've been assigned has left me utterly drained. This is my time to unwind," I replied, my patience wearing thin.

"I know, but please, just hear me out," Fred pleaded, capturing my hand in his. Resigned, I sighed in defeat.

"What is it this time, Fred?" I inquired, skepticism lacing my tone.

"Help me with Browning," he blurted out. My gaze hardened. "Are you asking me to serve as your decoy again in this relationship charade?"

Fred averted his eyes, guilt apparent in his avoidance. Nodding in understanding, I couldn't help but shake my head in annoyance. "Fred, why can't you simply end things like any normal person would?"

"You know I can't do that," he muttered, his eyes fixed on the table.

"Fred, this is the last time I'm aiding your escapades. Consider this a favor," I stated firmly.

"And yet, I still have one more favor, Catterall," he retorted, his grin widening.

I rolled my eyes at his audacity and returned to my book, but the sheer talkativeness of Fred made me forget the book itself.

A month before the quidditch games, I was finally pulled aside by Roger Davies to deliberate over our next training strategy. "Roger, this scheme to block the Gryffindor Chasers will only lead to our defeat," I argued, folding my arms in front of him.

"And why's that?" he questioned.

"Consider this: the Gryffindor Chasers aren't easily fooled. You're overlooking the fact that Alicia, Angelina, and even Katie are clever enough to see through our plans," I explained. Roger scoffed, "Then, what do you propose?"

I was about to unveil my idea when a tap on my shoulder interrupted me.

"Weasley? What brings you here? Spying, are you?" Roger demanded, his tone sharp.

"Ease up, Davies. I'm not here to eavesdrop. I'm looking for Caterall," he retorted, signaling for me to follow him. I glanced between him and Davies. "We'll continue this in the Common Room later, Roger," I said, gathering my books.

"You'd better, Adelina," he replied before storming off, shooting a glare at Fred.

"What's got into him?"

"It's more about the timing. Even Wood would be cross if he knew I was meddling in your training discussions," I remarked.

"Oh, I doubt that, especially if the interruption came from a pretty girl like you," Fred quipped, offering a mischievous smile. I merely gave him a weary look and stopped in my tracks.

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