Take it or Leave it (Charlie Weasley)

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I have been studying well all throughout my years in hogwarts, not to mention the blood sweat and tears I always put into my classes to get the perfect score. I was top of the class, but I never would've thought that being part of the ministry could create damage my braincells. The department for the regulation of control and magical creatures makes me want to remove my brain and throw at them for good use. If you're asking me why I'm here, I have no idea. I was put into this work as a "trial" before I become a master of dragonologist. But really, it's only because I'm a lady and my Father keeping me away to death. I looked at the piles of paper work that was on my desk. What for? Britain asking for dragons be located as well as for the endangerment of "wizards and witches" which is an utter bullock if you ask me. The only reason they wanted to relocate them elsewhere was because of a trainee who forgot to close the gate on one of the reserves. With a big sigh, I continued reading the papers that mounted much on my table. Getting the "rejected" stamp and delivering it to the express mail. Before I took another one, a knock on my door had made me halt. "Come in." My dad gave me a small smile, but I rolled my eyes at him. "Dear, I see that you're piled up." "And whose fault is it, dear father?" I said, leaving the work behind as I give my father a short hug. But a cough took me by surprise.

Behind my father is a well known face back in hogwarts. "Dear, this is—" "Weasley, pleasure of seeing you again." "You too, Fyres." Charlie said, giving me the usual warm smile he does. "Charlie here has requested for your presence in the Romanian dragon reserve. Apparently your intellect when it comes to dragons may be of help to the new trainees." To my surprise, I looked bewildered at my father who was only smiling at me as if not realizing that this certain change of mind is unnatural. "I thought that putting me here in this office will make me a good use to the ministry." "And that is true, however I realized maybe putting you off to the dream you want will be better." "Do you really mean it father?" I asked, a smile creeping on my face. With only a nod, I flung myself to my father, giving him the hug of the lifetime. "I'll leave you two be, I'm sure you'd both want to catch-up." He said, leaving me and Charlie who has kept his eyes on me. As my father closed the door, I face the awaiting weasley. "Fyres, same as always I hope." "Bug off Charlie. Tell me how in the hell did you change my father's idea of me coming to the reserve?" I asked crossing my arms at his, still smiling at him. "Well, a certain someone did promise she'll be coming to the Romanian dragon reserve but didn't. And it's already been 4 years." "Rowena, has it been that long?" I asked, which he nodded. "You owe me one Fyres, I've put up all my energy and charm to sway your father." He said looking at me, giving me the letter of approval. "How about I treat you today Charlie? You must be starving." "Glad you asked. Now, tell me when can we have our first date?" Charlie said, his cheeky grin causing me to laugh.

After years of dreaming of finally being able to be part of a dragon reserve. It's finally here. I was unpacking my last luggage and as I finish, Charlie knocked on my door. "Fyres, you looking rather blooming today." "Is it that every time you speak you flirt? And stop calling me by my last name." I said as I stood up and flicked for my luggage to magically move itself to my room. "I'm here to accompany you around the reserve." "Why? Aren't you a bit busy today?" "Well for you Aurelia, not at all." "Charming. Lead the way Charlie." I said, shaking my head in his usual flirtatious antics. The reserve was big as expected, and a lot of the dragons I've seen are here as well. "The reserve is pretty much changed compared last year. Dragons in different breed are able to birth 1 or 2 dragons thanks to your approval of creating a bigger sanctuary for the dragons and allotting more budget to the reserve." "What can I say, a bigger and better facility is a better home for them. Even the Norwegian reserve, and Wales had an increase of birth rate. I received a letter from them just a few months back." I said, looking at a Antipodean Opaleye with her litter. "That's why you're here, to help out the new trainees to not do something stupid." "Why, did the reserve had a problem?" "Yes, apparently one newbie forgot to close the gate of the Romanian Long-horn dragon. It was utter chaos in the reserve because of that, and caused a riot because it was seen my a few muggles a couple of miles away from here." "No wonder the ministry is in chaos and trying to have an approval petition to relocate dragons in the east." I said, stopping at my track as I saw a couple of trainees having a hard time to tame a baby Hebridean black. Charlie stoped on his track at and looked to where I was staring at. "Come one Charlie, we better help them." "I was hoping there'd be no hindrances to our little date today." He said, giving a chuckle as I rolled my eyes at him. As we reached the two struggling newbies. I shouted to get out of the pen which they obliged to do so.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? You're almost strangling the poor dragon." "We needed the baby dragon to go back inside as it's almost time for the mother to feed them." I looked over at the nurturing pen to see the Mother dragon peaking at the window, calling out to her child to which the little dragon replied with a small roar. "In order for you to follow you, you must observe how they follow you." I said, I quickly jumped into the pen held out my hand at it. "There there little fella." I said, slowly back up and waving my hand at its face. The baby dragon followed the movement of my hand and slowly moved its way to me. As I back up, I opened the little door to the nurturing pen,taking out a small sheep jerky and threw it inside which the little Hebridean followed. As the dragon finally entered and hearing the mother roar in satisfaction. I closed the little door and made sure it was locked firmly. I looked back at the three dragonologist, walking to them with a satisfied smile on my face. "Didn't you read Newt Scamander's book? A way to a baby dragon follow you is a couple of treats." I said and jumped out of the Hebridean pen. "Wait a minute, you're Aurelia Fyres! The one Mr. Newt Scamander apprentice!" Pleasure of knowing you guys. Hope you learned your lesson today." I said, both of them nodded their head in excitement and went off bickering at each other. "I think my heart just skipped a beat." Charlie said, hands on his chest and being dramatic. "Charlie, knock it off, we have other stuff to do." I said, and nudged him a little to which his eyes softened at me. "I'm glad you're here, Aurelia." "I'm glad too." I said, giving me a smile, both of us started walking but Charlie kept looking at me. "Honestly, if you can tame a dragon. Then you can possibly tame me as well." He said to which I gasped at the sudden remark. His laugh echoing due to my reaction.

It's been months since I started working at the reserve, and a drastic changed has made it into the papers. Apparently I, the one and only apprentice of Mr. Newt Scamander has been a gossip on the wizarding world. The Romanian dragon reserve was now at the top of the best dragon reserve thanks to me, as said. But honestly, it's just a little bit of work and a lot of help to the people managing the place. But of course, with that news, I was now being requested to check out the other dragon reserves in britain. Of course I accepted but duration for my stay for each reserve will only be 3 months. As I pack up my things, Charlie was already waiting for me at the door, pouting like a baby. "Charlie, I already said that it'll be only 3 months." "Yeah 3 months, but for each reserves you'll be going for. How many reserves again?" "Just 2 for now." "6months! You'll be gone for 6 months Fryers. Who am I going to bug now once you're gone?" Charlie said, taking his time to come at me. Once he did reach me, he slid his arms on my waist to hug me. "Charlie, it's just 6 months. It's not like a year." "Still, I'm going to miss you." "Me too." I said, hugging him back, Rowena is it too much to just stay behind? Once I move out of his hug, he pouted more which I find cute than ever. "If you want, we can go visit your parents in the holidays?" I said, his face lighting up but was struggling over something. "Mom will be over me again. She'll probably bug me to already put a ring on your finger." "Well Charlie, take it or leave it. Either way you're stuck with me now." I said huffing as I cross my arms. "And why wouldn't I take this? I've already been dying to introduce you to my lovely family." "Charlie— would your family like me though?" "Oh they will." He said, smirking at me.

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