Crush (Dean Thomas)

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I pride myself on being a supportive friend, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. However, there are times when I must intervene, particularly when I see friends embarrassingly make a fool of themselves. Zabini and Nott have been particularly exasperating in their romantic endeavors, falling in love yet displaying none of the grace expected of a proper gentleman. "Nott, not talking is one of the reasons why you're having problems communicating with that Hufflepuff girl," I stated, trying not to punch the boy for his oblivious actions. The train ride back to Hogwarts was already testing my patience, and to add to my woes, Malfoy was incessantly complaining about how Potter, the 'Wonder Boy,' undeservedly hogged all the glory for what he considered trivial achievements. To me, they were anything but trivial, but that's beside the point.

"And you Draco, will you ever tire of ranting about Potter? I'm starting to believe you're more enamored with the 'scarred boy' than considering him an adversary." My comment visibly unsettled Draco, prompting him to respond with a rude gesture, much to the amusement of Zabini and Nott, who couldn't contain their laughter.

"Stop laughing you plonkers," Draco snapped, glaring at them. "It's not our fault Everingham made a valid point," Zabini retorted, smirking at me, which I returned. "Honestly, Draco, if you're so infatuated, you might as well kiss him," I teased, puckering my lips mockingly. Draco, unamused, retaliated by thumping a book on my head, causing me to wince in pain.

"I'll have your Mother hear of this, Malfoy," I warned, though my tone belied my jest. Nott, ever the pragmatist, conjured an ice pack from a small pouch, offering a modicum of relief. "That's what you get for being a lousy friend," Draco stated, his eye-roll unmistakable. Blaise, ever the protective figure in my life, fixed Draco with a stern look before sighing heavily.

Leaving Draco's antics aside, Blaise turned the conversation to my summer escapades. "So, Henrietta, I hear from Mother that a certain Gryffindor has been keeping you company." His raised eyebrows and the amusement dancing in his eyes were met with my less-than-pleased expression. "You've been mooning over him since our first year. When will you muster the courage to ask him out? Despite my disdain for Gryffindors, he's tolerable," And your shyness? It's hardly becoming of a Slytherin." Draco mused.

I looked at Draco and crossed my arms. "That's funny coming from you, Draco. You're the one acting less Slytherin these days, more like a Hufflepuff." Nott laughed, which made Draco glare at him. Blaise stopped us before we could argue more, sensing a fight might start.

Our attention was diverted by a knock on the carriage door. A Ravenclaw from our year stood there, requesting Zabini's presence. "Apologies for the interruption. Might I borrow Zabini for a moment?" she inquired, her gaze fixed intently on him. Zabini, standing with a dignified poise, nodded in assent. As they departed, I moved to sit beside Nott. "Is she the one Zabini's been mooning over?" I whispered. Nott's nod confirmed my suspicion as he reverted the ice pack to its original form. "I fail to see what Zabini finds in that Half-blood," Draco muttered disdainfully. A swift reprimand in the form of a smack to his arm was his reward. "You, of all people, should recognize her disdain for your pure-blood fanaticism," Nott remarked, his displeasure evident. "My apologies," Draco grumbled, clearly irked by my intervention.

Rolling my eyes at Draco's petulance, I was about to engage Nott in further conversation when a glimpse of someone peering through the carriage door caught my eye. With a smile, I rose abruptly, my departure drawing a questioning look from Draco. "And where might you be off to?" he inquired. "That, Draco, is none of your concern," I retorted, leaving him to mutter threats of tattling to my Mother. Closing the carriage door behind me, I found myself face-to-face with an exuberant Dean Thomas."I've been searching for you, Henrietta," he greeted me with a radiant smile.

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