Irritating Leprachaun (Seamus Finnigan)

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Fewer students than I expected remained at the castle during the holiday season. But dealing with rowdy third-year Gryffindors? It's a different kind of challenge. While the other tables in the Great Hall enjoyed a peaceful breakfast, the boys at the Gryffindor table seemed rowdier than ever. I halted my writing due to a sudden burst of laughter. Terry Boot and Anthony Goldstein, my saviors for staying at Hogwarts this holiday, looked at me warily, sensing my growing annoyance.

"Aren't they ashamed of making such a ruckus in the Great Hall?" I asked.

"It's the holiday season, Dorcas," Anthony said with a smile. "Can't blame them for having fun. If it were up to me, I'd be just as rowdy with Terry if you weren't so intent on 'studying.'"

He gestured to my open book, where I'd been stuck on the same page for nearly five minutes. "Well, Goldstein, not all of us can afford to get a 'T' in Charms, which, mind you, is arguably the easiest subject."

Terry chuckled. "Did you really get a T, Anthony?"

"I did not!" Anthony protested, but Terry's laughter suggested otherwise.

As we bantered, a familiar face approached. "Dorcas," Seamus Finnigan began.

"How can I help you, Finnigan?" I replied, catching Terry and Anthony trying to stifle their laughter.

"Would you consider going on a date with me the next time we visit Hogsmeade?"

"Thank you, but no. We hardly know each other," I declined, my attention diverted by another round of laughter from the Gryffindor table.

Seamus tapped my shoulder, persistent. "Dorcas, just play along for now."


"I'll treat you to Honeydukes."


"Don't be such a wuss."

That was the last straw. "How many times do I need to say no? Can't you understand?" I snapped, memories flooding back. "You yanked my hair in our First Year. Why would you believe I'd even consider a date with you now?" I could see Finnigan formulating a response, but I didn't give him the chance. "You earned that hex, Finnigan. Maybe it's time you learned some manners. Now, if you don't mind," I added with a frosty tone, "leave before I remind you why they call me a formidable witch, you irritating leprachaun." His glare met mine, tension palpable between us.

Terry and Anthony stood immediately, acting as a barrier. "Sorry, Seamus. Dorcas can be a bit... explosive. It's best you head back to your table for now," Anthony advised as we left the Great Hall.

Lee Jordan approached Seamus, his smirk evident. "You've really done it this time, leprechaun boy."

I sat alone in the library, my quill dancing on the parchment. Anthony and Terry hadn't budged from their sleep in the common room earlier. As I lost myself in my writing, someone sat opposite me. Looking up, my eyes met Finnigan's. "What do you want, Finnigan?" I asked.

"I don't understand you," he replied, his brows furrowed.

"Understand what?"

"Last I overheard, you Ravenclaw girls wished for dates. And here I am, offering one," he said, motioning to himself with a smirk.

I scoffed. "You have quite a high opinion of yourself. Why were you eavesdropping on us, anyway?"

"I wasn't hiding. You all were openly discussing it in the library's corner."

"We spoke of dating someone like the Weasley twins or Cedric Diggory, not you," I stated matter-of-factly.

He shifted, clearly caught off guard. "So... you fancy the Weasley twins?"

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