5 : sunsetz i wanna hear your voice

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      Clarisse spun the spear she held, clashing it towards her siblings shield, as Clarisse removed the spear attempting to hit them from another angle

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      Clarisse spun the spear she held, clashing it towards her siblings shield, as Clarisse removed the spear attempting to hit them from another angle. Continuously getting her attacks blocked, as she moved her spear too quickly and accidentally cut her arm. "Fuck!" Clarisse yelled, as she dropped her spear and held her wrist, stinging at the pain. "Shit!" Hee singing exclaimed, as they dropped their armor to assist Clarisse. Clarisse hissed as she paused to wipe the sweat off her fore head, using the cloth of her orange camp half blood shirt.  "You okay?" The sibling inquired, as Clarisse took a seat on the grass, wiping the blood from the wound trickling down hee arm slowly with her shirt.

"I'm fine." She groaned, in between breaths as she picked up her clear water bottle, chugging the rest quickly as sweat dripped from her forehead from the blistering sun.

"You seem distracted." They said, as they stood infront of Clarisse, taking the armor off their head.

Clarisse's mind kept re running her and Lola at the campfire. 'It won't be for long.' She told herself, the blistering heat giving Clarisse a migraine. Distracted was an understatement.

"Capture the flag is soon, you might want to focus more on that then whatever's on your mind." Clarisse's sibling stated, as they put the shield they were holding down. "You think I don't know that?" Clarisse spat, even if she was a bit burnt out and had an open wound, that didn't mean she couldn't put people in their place. "I'm focused on that game, shit, we're gonna fucking win this year. I know it." Clarisse added, looking up at her sibling as she was still on the grass, her arms resting on her knees as she leaned on the wooden bench. "Let's get you to the infirmary, Clarisse."

   Clarisse sat down on the hospital bed, scoffing at the bandage that was put on her. She never liked going to the infirmary, it felt degrading to her.

"Hey," Clarisse looked up to see her sibling from earlier, the one who was trading with her. "Came to check up on you, how you feeling, sis?" They asked, leaning on the door frame. "Fine." Clarisse muttered, why wouldn't she be fine?

Clarisse looked up to notice that her sibling was holding a glass filled with a pink beverage and whip cream on top. "Shit, man you've gotta try this." They said, as they sipped one the drink some more, taking a lick of the whip cream. A strawberry milkshake.

"Where'd you get that from?" She asked, adjusting her seat on the bed. "Oh, Lola. Mm, fucking amazing. Wait, she's the girl right? The girl?"  Clarisse tuned them out, as she had suddenly gotten an idea.

    Lola grumbled as she walked into the infirmary with a pink milkshake in her hand. "You called?" she muttered, raising an eyebrow. Clarisse looked up at her as she layed on the bed with her hands behind her head, smirking mischeviously.

Lola put the tray she held down on the bedside table, as she sat beside Clarisse on the bed. "Extra whip cream?" Clarisse taunted, taking the milkshake and sipping from the bubblegum pink striped straw. "Yes, your majesty." Lola replied.

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