"There were fourteen of us inside the house. We never had room enough for each other and I never had that luxury of owning my own bed. But we took the leap and move out from the poverty when we decides to make changes in our lives. I remembered being so afraid to take that steps. I never knew what could happened to me, nor my family. There is no one to tell you what could happened in the future, not even you but nothing will ever happened if you don't starts making changes in yourselves."

Henry sighed letting his chin rested over his knees as his arm wrapped tightly around his legs. "You just took the jump, it's only matters of time when you landed and hold the ground firm but when it does, you will have more balanced in your life. I promise you that." He says and Henry could feel tears are pooling in his eyes.

"I feel so lost right now. I don't know what to do with my life. Nothing will ever be the same again." He says and Oscar palmed his shoulder in assurance, "Small steps, it might take time but it will get you there safely. But changed is good Henry, you need to give yourself more faith." Oscar adds and Henry stares at the space before them before he turned to face Oscar's face again, "Won't it be easier if I just disappeared? I can't face people anymore without concerning of what they are thinking about me." Henry says and Oscar can hear his voice breaks.

"The hell with them. None of that would make any difference. They will still talks about you anyway whether or not you are straight or gay, nothing will ever satisfied them." Oscar continued and Henry turned his gaze back on the ground, "If that person loves you, it doesn't matter what you are. Whether you are gay, Bi, or a freaking alien, who gives a fuck? They will accept you the way you are, crooks and all." Henry smiled at Oscar's word but hides it well.

"I'm making breakfast, any request?" He asks tapping Henry on his shoulder as he stood, Henry shook his head at him and he sighed, "I'll make you some tea. Be right back." He says and Henry wanted to stop him but he was already running back inside getting the kettle on and Henry returned his gaze back on the ground covered stone.

"Be brave Hen."

His father's words echoed in his mind as he remembers the last time he saw him up and about. He was all bald and no amount of hair on his head left, his wrist is the size of his lacrosse stick and his skin is pale yellow with his breath smells like stained urine left for hours. He remembers how strong his father held his pain and the thought of his family breaking apart because of him had torn every piece of his heart, his father must be rolling in his grave right now for what he did.

"I'm so sorry dad, I did try to be different, I just can't." He whispered letting his tears fall on his cheek and when he heard Oscar came back with a cup of tea in his hand and he saw Henry trying to wipe away his tears, it hits something in him. Henry is just a boy that just lost everything he stood for just because he love someone different, he didn't deserve to be treated this way. Oscar placed the mug down and sat beside Henry only to give him a hug that he needed the most right now. He cried further into Oscar's arm and his whole body shuddering in tears. He felt the soothing stroke from Oscar's palm over his head and he's glad that he is here right now.


They all seated by the kitchen island while Oscar preparing breakfast and Ellen is on her phone scrolling through the poll and sometimes Henry can see how her eyes shifts to a worry but she hides it well. Henry on the other hand was on his phone watching the press conference held in Buckingham Palace with Philip and how he explained that Henry's privacy and the palace had no comments about the rumors or the leak. He can see how diplomatic Philip answers are and how he tried not to reveal any truth in any of their questions. But it wasn't until one of the reporters asks him such question that made Henry burst in anger.

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