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"WHAT DO I do?" Alejandra asked Francesca

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"WHAT DO I do?" Alejandra asked Francesca. Her most levelheaded friend— or the only friend who'd knock some sense into her.

"Diego told you he actually loves you? And that's what you wanted, right?" Francesca questioned. Alejandra nodded. "Alright. Then you went on a date with Federico—"

"It wasn't really a date—"

"Let's call it a pre-date," Francesca said. "You and Federico went on a pre-date and then after you came home, Diego was at your house and confessed his feelings for you and then you two had sex. Then you sent Diego away because you have feelings for Federico, too."

"So you're all caught up!" Alejandra stated. "What do I do? I've been just avoiding both of them, and I think they both realized that because I've gotten texts from them asking if we're okay."

Francesca nodded slowly. "Do you still love Diego?"

"I think I'll always love him, a part of me will at least— Diego was my first real relationship, everyone before him were just flings, trial runs before the real thing."

"And Federico?"

"I like him," Alejandra admitted. "And I want to see if it'll lead anywhere."

"Well, that settles it."

"What does?"

"Date Federico, and see where it goes. Because if you go back to Diego, you'll lose the chance with Federico and he could be your soulmate. And if you date Federico, it could bring you back to Diego after— if you two break up." Alejandra stared at Francesca. "Unless you didn't want me to say that, then you should definitely get back together with Diego."

"So you're not helping me at all," Alejandra sighed. "Fran, what if I get with Federico and I lose my chance with Diego, or I get back with Diego and lose a chance with Fede?"

"If Diego is really serious, he'd let you date Federico because you'll eventually realize," Francesca used air quotes, "that you still love him. You two just need to see other people before getting back together. He wasn't ready to use the L word until you showed interest in another guy."

"You're right— that's what I told him. We needed to see other people. That's what I'm going to do— I'll tell Fede yes to his date. I'm going on a date with Federico," Alejandra said as she stood up. "First, I need to find Fede. Any ideas where he's at?"

"I know I didn't respond to your text and it might seem that I don't want to go on a date, but I actually do

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"I know I didn't respond to your text and it might seem that I don't want to go on a date, but I actually do. I'd love to go on a date with you," Alejandra said as German Castillo opened the door. Her face reddened— "I'm sorry, I thought I saw Fede walk in before I walked up. I thought he'd be the closest to the door."

"He's in the kitchen," German said. "You can go talk to him."

"Thanks, Mr Castillo," Alejandra gave him a small smile. "Can we keep this between us? Because I'd rather not hear anything from Vilu about me saying all that to you. Anyways, I'll head to the kitchen." Alejandra stepped inside the house and walked through the kitchen door.

"Ale, what are you doing here?" Federico questioned when she walked in. He was eating a bowl of cereal. "Vilu's not here, she's at the studio."

"I'm not here for Vilu. I haven't come here for Vilu for a while now," Alejandra confessed. "Okay, just listen before you say anything, please. I had this plan to make my ex jealous by getting closer to you and flirting with you and other guys— but honestly, it's only been you. Vilu warned me that you aren't exactly a fling type of guy and I'm a relationship girl, I don't do flings, at least not by choice. And the fact that we've gotten closer has made him jealous, but I don't want to make him jealous anymore because I don't care. I came here to give you a verbal response to your text from last night. Yes, I'd love to go on a date with you. And also, I like you and the last time I liked a person my heart got broken and it's scary and—"

"Are you free tonight?" Federico interrupted. He had set his bowl down during the middle of her rant. "For our date?"

"Yeah, I'm free," Alejandra answered.

"Great. I'll pick you up at six."

"Okay," Alejandra smiled. "I'll see you then."

it's a short chapter! and happy easter!

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it's a short chapter! and happy easter!

and their date is next chapter <3 and it's like halfway written but will be finished by next sunday ! promise

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