Chapter 12

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Glenn and 10k returned from the tasks they were set by hershel, exhausted from those chores they collapsed to the floor begging Dale for lunch, there stomachs growling.

"Alright guys, I'll get the fire going", lighting a fire he takes out some meat and places a little butter in it, supplied by the greene farm.

While Dale was cooking Glenn spoke "where is everyone", looking around seeing everyone was gone.

"Well, Carol and daryl are off to hunt, I insisted that Carol doesn't go but she wanted to know how to gut the animal, t-dog and Andrea are helping otis with the cows, lori and Carl are even feeding the chickens, and Rick spotted a broken fence, so he and Shane are mending it the now, everyone's chipping in".

Way out from the farm, Carol is following daryl, daryl who's masterfully jogging around tree to tree in hunt for a pray barely even noticing the rought terrain of the forest. Carol meanwhile in contrast was struggling in just following him, she's out of breathe and then suddenly she tripped unable to continue, her eyes water from her weakness. She tries to yell out for daryl but she's too tired, catching her by surprise a walker had sneaked up on her, to drained to have noticed it from the start. When she had seen the walker released a loud scream, immediately she took out her knife when the walker got within 3 feet, an arrow hit the walker in the in head killing it instantly.

"God damn it" daryl yelled back, clearly upset that due to Carol he had lost the animal he had been hunting, getting scared off by Carol's scream.

"Sorry" Carol said.

Daryl was almost about to yell at her, before stopping himself, he looks at her and scoffs, pointing at the walker he speaks.

"That's good practice".

Not understanding she stares back at him confused.

"It's the same principle, take your knife and stab the thing".

Carol finally understands, all she told daryl was she wanted to learn how to kill and gut an animal, he only agreed because she was the woman that lost her child, though she could tell he's clearly getting annoyed at her.

With slight hesitation she plunges her blade into the walkers stomach, it was easier than she expected, much easier than shooting the gun she thought. The pulling out the knife from the body was the problem Carol had, she was forced to stand back up and press her foot into the walkers chest and use all of her strength to pull the blade out, almost tripping over in the process.

Daryl smirks, "not a bad start, but now go deeper", daryl gives Carol a bigger knife, taking a deep breathe Carol repeatedly stabs the dead walker, its stomach hanging loose from its body. She looks at her hands surprised and shock about what she had done, her hands were shaking but slowly stopped, staring at the sky she realizes that maybe she can survive this world.

Rick and Shane are cutting some wood to replace a bit of the outer fence that had been disconnected, still tough to withstand a strike from a walker, but the group are unwilling to take any risks.

"all I'm saying Rick, is just think about". Shane asked.

"About what, leaving this place, it's perfectly fine, it's safe we don't need to go"

"Let me tell you something, the guys got a barn of walkers, he's crazy Rick, what if a dozen walkers walk by, break the fences and get through, hershel would be to busy discussing the moral complexity of hurting the walkers while we're all getting eaten".

"Hershel a good man, we can't just leave him out here, especially since he's agreed for us to stay".

"You have to look after our people, not his, I know it's hard to believe but this farm it's going to go down, sooner rather than later".

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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