Chapter 11

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Everyone stood there the dead of night it was completely silent, the survivors of the Atlanta camp were just staring at there fellow people. Most wanted to stay at the farm even its faults, Rick mainly looking at Shane, his family and 10k, he wanted everyone to stay even Shane, he couldn't risk being on the road anymore and for how much he disliked Shane in this current moment he'd never wish for him to go through this world. No one stepped up hershel speaks "you don't have to come to a decision at this moment, and even if you want to go you should wait until morning... for now you all get some rest", hershel then jokingly says "cause imma gonna work you to the bone".

Herself and his daughters leaves going into there house, Maggie giving a small smile to Glenn who felt happy that she was acknowledging him, which alot of the camp including Dale, Rick and Shane noticed. Otis stayed just a bit longer to talk with group, Lori waa the first to walk to him thanking otis for convincing hershel to let them stay.

"Well, I had to make up for what I did to your boy, and I couldn't send you folk out there, I know what it's like, seen what they can do, I had to try fighting for you to stay"

"You gave our son a chance, he may not have been given that if we had left", Lori said, otis felt happy, he knew these people were should so it's only right for them to stay.

"As long as you all chip in the work around the farm, hershel won't have a problem with you all".

Everyone agrees to this as the group celebrate this victory even if some might think it won't last long considering the situation with the barn. Otis approached Rick saying "I think we gotta talk".

Rick nods his head as the two depart from the group to talk in private, Shane staring at them as they walk off, he scratches his head as he returns to his tent. Only for moments later when he was perparing to go to sleep Andrea came in, Andrea spoke.

"Why didn't the step up".

Shane took a while to respond "Don't know, just tired I guess".

"There must be more to it, you afraid to go out there alone".

Shane scoffs at this "you don't know what your talking about, I ain't scared".

"Then why are you still doing here, I see it, tension between you, Lori and Rick its building, and it's not gonna end well".

Shane calmly says "so what, we don't try, Rick is my best friend, I can't just leave".

"You were thinking about leaving earlier, what's changed" Andrea questions.

Shane struggled to speak "that was before Carl got shoot, and Sophia died, that was with me in the group, what do you suppose what could happen to Carl if I had left".

"There safe, this place isn't perfect but they'll be safe". Andrea says trying to convince Shane to leave.

"I can't... at least yet... if you want to leave so bad i dont see why you need me" Shane says.

"I'm not an idiot Shane, I'll die out there by myself, anyone would".

Andrea sighs leaving the tent realizing the conversation wont go anywhere, Dale watching Andrea leaving, at the otis and Rick are talking.

"I think your right about the walkers, hershels ignorant to the world, but hershel a stubborn guy, it was always his best quality when he was farming now it may be the down fall of his land, I lied". Otis said pausing from Rick to process his words, and trying to come up with the words to explain to Rick.

"About what" Rick questioned

Otis answer "about letting you people stay here, it wasn't just because for your people but for mine, I'm not stupid I know any day 100's of those things are gonna walk right through this farm, and I'm not sure without people we may not all make it out alive, for my wife, hershel and his family I had to let you guys stay here".

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