Part Two: Capture The Flag

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The next few days Sasha settled into a routine that felt almost normal, if she doesn't count the fact that she was getting lessons from her Greek brother, satyrs, nymphs, and a centaur.
"You are not only teached by Chiron?" Jason asked curiously. Sure, the spirits in camp gave occasionally tips and Lupa does training mostly in the Wolf House, but nothing other they train with the cohorts.
"Yes, so we have all the same training in different levels and the gaps in one's skills are not that large," explained Annabeth to their other cousins who nodded in understanding.
Each morning, Sasha took Ancient Greek from Annabeth as they sat down on the table with a Greek book in front of them, and the two girls talked about the gods and goddesses in the present tense, which was kind of weird.
Annabeth felt a tad bit guilty for making Sasha feel wary around her due to her jealousy as she spent most of her time with Percy.
The rest of the day, she'd rotate through outdoor activities, looking for something she was good at. Chiron had managed to teach her archery, which surprised everyone as she hit the dead-center of her target with her bow and arrow.
At this, Bellerophon was stunned at the sight of Sasha's archery skill. He was the only one who was skilled in archery in his godly family.
"I have to admit that's pretty impressive," commented Hestia.
"Percy is just as terrible like the rest of his siblings with the exception of two." Hera shook her head as she involuntarily recalled the time they were almost all seriously hurt when in the time they were still growing up in they father's stomach — she shuddered at that — her younger brother managed to make a bow and shoot a makeshift arrow. Luckily, Hades had managed to somehow stop it, she didn't know how, because Hestia was shielding both her and Poseidon to keep them safe. The only good thing that experience brought, beside the knowledge to flee whenever her brother held a bow, was that they father experienced some mayor stomach pains on that day, which she later found out everyone misunderstood as sympathy pains for his wife who was at that time pregnant with Demeter.
The scene soon changed at the sight of the two kids sword-fighting together in the Sword-Fighting Arena. Sasha senses opened up. Sasha saw his attacks coming. She countered. Sasha stepped forward and tried a thrust of her own. Percy had deflected it easily, but Sasha saw a change in his face. His eyes narrowed, and he started to press her with more force.
Everyone was staring intently at the movie as they watched the fight. Percy had made it clear that he isn't one who can be easily made into a pawn no matter his age. But Percy isn't the only one, Sasha made it clear that she's equally strong fighter too.
Sasha blade hit the base of Percy's and Sasha twisted, putting her whole weight into a downward thrust.
Some of the gods looked close to fall out of their thrones as they leaned even more forth in them.
Both of their swords rattled against the stones at the same time, revealing their equal strength.
The Greek and Roman demigods cheered with Poseidon and his family while the other demigods stared blinking at the heard happenings meanwhile the gods got up from the ground and sat back on they thrones with as much dignity as they could muster.
But they stopped when they saw Jason coming towards them and whispered something to Percy's ear while Sasha carefully retrieved their swords. Percy nodded understandingly to the Jupiter boy.
"It must of been about Capture the Flag," said Nico.
The Greek demigods exclaimed excitedly and started talking eagerly while some of them were taking bets on who will win.
But they both glanced at Sasha as she walked towards them while returning Riptide to Percy. "Thanks Sash." He gave a side glance to Jason, who nodded his agreement. "Do you remember what I told you about Capture the Flag?"
"It's kind of like the human version, only with armor and weapons," said Sasha.
The scene showed everyone eating lunch at their respective tables. When the plates were cleared away, the conch horn sounded and we all stood at their tables.
Many of demigods and gods jumped in place at the sound of the conch horn.
Campers yelled and cheered as Annabeth with Will and Piper ran into the pavilion carrying a silk banner. It was about ten feet long, glistening gray, with a painting of a barn owl above an olive tree.
Athena and her children beamed, she was feeling a bit calmer now that she didn't hear about how much danger her daughter had been in when she was seven. Apollo smiled proudly at the sight while Aphrodite gave Piper a loving smile at the sight.
From the opposite side of the pavilion, Percy with Jason, Leo, Clarisse, Travis, and Nico ran into the pavilion carrying a silk banner. It was about ten feet long, shimmering green, with a painting of a trident.
Now it was Poseidon, Jupiter, Hades, Ares, Dionysus, Hermes, Hephaestus who all smiled proudly at their respective children.
The teams were announced. Athena had made an alliance with Apollo (one of the biggest cabins), Demeter, and Aphrodite.
Apollo sunk down blushing in his throne by the looks he was getting.
Apparently, privileges had been traded-shower times, chore schedules, the best slots for activities-in order to win support.
"That doesn't sound like a bad idea, making alliances with other teams," Jason said while looking at Reyna, who nodded her agreement.
Poseidon had allied themselves with everybody else: Jupiter, Hades, Ares, Dionysus, Hermes, Hephaestus, and the Minors.
Chiron hammered his hoof on the marble. "Heroes! You know the rules. The creek is the boundary line. The entire forest is fair game. All magic items are allowed. The banner must be prominently displayed, and have no more than two guards. Prisoners may be disarmed, but may not be bound or gagged. No killing or maiming is allowed. I will serve as referee and battlefield medic. Arm yourselves!"
The Romans looked interested, this game was in some way similar to they War Games, but also pretty different in the case of some of the rules and how one plays it, but sounded fun none then less.
He spread his hands, and the tables were suddenly covered with equipment: helmets, bronze swords, spears, oxhide shields coated in metal.
Sasha let out a low whistle at the sight of the impressive weapons. One by one, everyone started arming themselves with weapons and armor. But Percy, Sasha, Jason, Leo, Clarisse, Travis and Connor, and Nico already have their weapons, but they started putting on their armor. Each of their helmets like all the helmets on Poseidon's side, had a blue horsehair plume on top. Athena and their allies had red plumes.
"Well, it would be confusing without it." Chris remembered that when the game really started was it already hard to tell who was with whom, he didn't want to even think how it would be without the color of the plumes.
Percy yelled, "Blue team, forward!"
The blue team cheered at his rallying cry, they shook their swords and followed him down the path to the south woods.
After they entered the woods, Clarisse started laying down a plan that's worthy of Athena. She, five of her siblings, and the Dionysus cabin will engage the red team while the rest of the Ares cabin, Hermes cabin, the Hephaestus cabin, and the Minors cabin stands guard in the woods, but three of the Big Three kids will guard the flag together. Lastly, Sasha will be on border patrol near the creek to keep the reds away.
At that, everyone went with Clarisse's battle plan; Clarisse and her siblings had went into enemy territory. The Hermes and the Minor teams hid themselves, but protected the territory greatly. Percy, Jason, and Nico protected the flag together.
Ares nodded his approval, his kid learned how to be smart in her battles.
It was a warm, but windy day. The woods were brightish-dark, with sunbeams popping in view. Clarisse stationed Sasha next to a little creek that gurgled over some rocks, then she and the rest of the team scattered into the trees.
Far away, the conch horn blew. Sasha jumped in place when she heard whoops and yells in the woods, the clanking of metal, kids fighting. A blue plumed ally from Hermes raced past her like a deer, leaped through the creek and disappeared into enemy territory.
"Well, that wasn't surprising at all." Sasha hummed quietly.
The Hermes kids squirmed at this with slight embarrassment.
On the other side of the creek, the underbrush exploded. Three Athena kids and two Apollo warriors came out of the shadows.
Sasha smirked mischievously before she jumped out of her hiding place, immediately startling the members of the red team. She clearly knew what to do. Sasha swung the flat of her sword against the first guy's head and knocked his helmet clean off, making dazed.
The two Apollo kids came at her. Sasha slammed one in the face with her shield and used her sword to shear off the other guy's horsehair plume. Both of them backed up real quick.
"Not bad," remarked Lit (he came in before this piece).
Her instincts have took over, and Sasha was just barely able to dodge the first swipe in time. The Athena boy (Mark), however, wasn't an amateur, as he immediately pulled back and launched onto the offensive. He traded blow after blow, feinting and slashing with the skill of a warrior.
Just as the warrior swung his sword at her, she countered it with a dodge. Her eyes reflected off of the light, and it almost looked like her cerulean eyes were set aflame. Intense determination ran through her.
Sasha kept him from getting a shot at her as she fought him. Her senses opened up. She saw his attacks coming and started countering the attacks. She leaned forward and tried a kick of her own. Mark deflected it easily, but she saw a change in his face. His eyes narrowed, and he started to attacking her with more force.
They were both growing tired, so Sasha decided to do her own technique. Sasha tried the kicking maneuver. She hit the base of his foot and Sasha swiped him, putting her whole weight into a sideward kick.
As soon as he had fallen, Sasha glared at him as she stood on top of him, pinning him to the ground and her sword pointed at his chest.
"That was intense," muttered Jason.
Percy nodded and Nico smiled. "Yup. She always has been, even in the Underworld."
Then Sasha heard yelling, elated screams, and Sasha saw Clarisse racing toward the boundary line with the red team's banner lifted high. She was flanked by a couple of Hermes guys and Ares guys covering his retreat, and a few Hephaestus kids behind them, fighting off the Apollo kids.
The Athena and Apollo folks got up, and Mark muttered a dazed curse as Sasha let him go. "Dang it! They tricked us!"
They staggered after Clarisse who tossed the flag to Jason, but it was already too late. Everybody converged on the creek as Jason ran across into friendly territory. The blue side exploded into cheers. The red banner shimmered and turned to blue. The owl and olive branch were replaced with a hammer, the symbol of the Hephaestus cabin.
There were some happy cheers from the winning team.
Everybody on the blue team picked up Clarisse, Percy, and Jason while started carrying them around on their shoulders. Chiron cantered out from the woods and blew the conch horn.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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