chapter 11; hidden

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Sunghoon's gaze drifted to the field, a distant expression on his face. "I guess... I was just worried. About you, about everything. It's been tough, you know?"

Sunoo sighed. "I totally ruined the mood didn't I? You were happy today and I ruined it by crying..."

Sunghoon shook his head softly. "No you didn't ruin the mood. I know you're feeling terrible right now since your father is being a pain in the ass even tho you just got discharged."

"I'm sorry...," Sunoo apologized, regret evident in his voice.

Sunghoon and Sunoo sat in class, working on math problems together. Sunghoon patiently explained the answers, ensuring Sunoo understood each step.

Unexpectedly, Jihoon and his group approached. Jihoon aggressively pushed Sunoo's head before insulting him. "Idiot. I thought i'd never see you again, but the fucker came back."

Sunoo's expression remained indifferent, unbothered by the taunts.

Sunghoon, however, couldn't ignore the bullying. His annoyance turned into frustration, and he stood up, facing Jihoon. "I thought i'd never see you again too, I was so happy but you came back."

Jihoon glared at Sunghoon. "Shut the fuck up for once."

"Try telling yourself that and learn how to be a nicer person. You childish piece of shit."

As Jihoon angrily retreated with his group, Sunghoon returned to Sunoo, who still wore that indifferent expression. Sunghoon placed a reassuring hand on Sunoo's shoulder. "You okay?"

Sunoo nodded, offering a small smile.

"I told you not to stay unbothered, why didn't you get angry at them?"

Sunoo lets out a shakey sigh before answering, "I was scared."

Sunghoon entered the school counselor's office, greeting her with a respectful bow before taking a seat. The counselor smiled warmly, "Hello, Sunghoon. How are you today?"

Sunghoon hesitated, his expression thoughtful. "I don't know," he replied, uncertainty lingering in his words.

The counselor leaned forward. "I called you here today because I wanted to know if there is something on your mind. Are you facing difficulties with something?"

"I... want to accept myself, and I want to accept my feelings," he confessed, his voice steady but revealing a hint of vulnerability.

The counselor nodded empathetically, "That's an important step, Sunghoon. Self-acceptance is a journey, and it's okay to take your time. What specifically are you struggling with?"


Exiting the counselor's office, Sunghoon found Sunoo waiting in the hallway. Sunoo, noticing Sunghoon's presence, approached with a curious expression. "What were you doing in there?" he asked.

Sunghoon simply smiled. "Just had a little chat with the counselor. It's nothing, really."

Sunoo persisted, "Nothing? You're acting all secretive. Are you sure everything's okay?"

Euphoria; SunSunHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin