Even when these pages are full, know that there is always space in my heart and arms. I'll help you carry your burdens when you feel like you aren't strong enough. Love forever, Bucky.

The care that he put into the gift silenced every single degrading comment your mind created. In its place, Bucky's words were planted and your doubts about him melted away.

"I noticed that your diary was almost full and I thought you could use another one." He said sheepishly.


Tears once again pricked the corners of your eyes and you looked up at him with a teary smile. You carefully laid your new diary down on the table by the door before turning your attention back to him. You threw your arms around his neck and pressed your lips against his in a rough kiss. Bucky's lips didn't hesitate in moving against yours as one hand tangled in your hair and the other pulled you against him by the small of your back. You only broke the kiss when the urge to breath trumped your need to feel his lips on yours.

"I love it. Thank you." You whispered breathlessly.

"Of course, doll. Are you ready to go?"

You nodded and started to step away from him, but Bucky's arm stayed firmly planted around your back. He pulled you from the room, allowing you to shut your door, before steering you down the hall and out the front of the compound to his car.

"Where are we going?" You asked Bucky as he climbed into the car after helping you in.

"It's a surprise." He grinned.

"Can I have a hint at least?"

"You just gotta wait and see, doll."

Bucky began driving down the long winding road away from the compound. He was almost to the main road when he pulled over to the shoulder and shut off the car. Before you could question what he was doing, he got out and jogged to the trunk to grab something before coming to your door to help you out.

"Come on. We have to go on foot from here." Bucky held his hand out to you and you took it hesitantly.

"Are you taking me into the forest to kill me?" You asked with an arched brow.

"Never, doll. You're always safe with me. Now come on, it's a bit of a walk."

Bucky led you to a worn path that disappeared through the trees and into the forest. The walk was mostly quiet as you took in the beautiful scenery around you and the serene feeling it produced. With Bucky's hand in yours and the tranquility of the forest, it was the first time you had felt completely at peace.

In your amazement and curiosity of your surroundings, you didn't notice that Bucky was pulling you towards a clearing until you emerged from the tree line. You came to a halt as you looked in front of you to a hillside decorated with bright green pine trees. Vibrant flowers lined the clearing and were scattered throughout the open space. The bright blue sky was cloudless and the late afternoon sun cast a beautiful glow over the terrain.

Bucky led you to an open space between the scattered wildflowers and set down the basket that you didn't realize he was carrying. He laid out a blanket and then set out a few containers and a few different types of drinks. He took a seat and motioned for you to sit beside him, offering you one of the containers when you did. When you opened it, you found your favorite snack inside.

"I know it's your favorite. I thought our first date should be just the two of us, somewhere private where we can talk."

"How did you know this is my favorite?" You asked, amazed at his thoughtfulness.

Bucky Barnes Imagines Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now