The Concrete Warehouse

17 1 0

My stomach collided with the floor, sending shockwaves through my body. Gasping for air, I struggled to regain my breath in the unfamiliar surroundings. Everything seemed different from where I had been before. Was I in level 1!? The floor beneath me resembled silver-coloured concrete, adorned with scattered puddles of water. A mysterious fog hung low, and an ominous rebar protruded from the ceiling. A section of the floor lifted slightly, beckoning me towards another level of this sprawling place. Narrow hallways branched off the walls, shrouded in an eerie ghostly hue.

 I checked my phone. 1 new notification. My dad.

I don't know why I'm going along with this, but could this be the "entrance?" - Today at 22:13.

One attachment. He was in some abandoned factory, and one of the walls seemed a darker shade and strangely appeared to be blurry. Clutching a blue backpack, he seemed to be ready and determined.

'It could be. Listen, though. If you go in here, you'll most likely die. I don't want that to happen. I didn't want to be here, it wasn't even my fault. And, if you succeed and go to level 0, which you WILL, then there will be no internet for a while unless you find the 'manilla room.' - Today at 22:14.

"I swear if that retard ends up here..."

Glancing at my phone, I noted the time and the remaining battery percentage, a small comfort in this strange place. The internet signal was surprisingly strong, but without a charger, communication with my dad would soon become impossible.

Taking cautious steps forward, I knelt to taste the water, my thirst overwhelming. It had a nutty flavour, reminiscent of almond water. I drank eagerly, savouring the unexpected refreshment.

Another puddle in the distance grabbed my attention, its thick, dark contents contrasting sharply with the surrounding environment. It looked like oil. Nearby, a broken wooden plank caught my eye, its jagged edges promising potential use.

Without much thought, I grabbed the plank and tapped the oily water with it. Instantly, a gurgling sound erupted from the depths, sending a chill down my spine. But it wasn't until an arm coated in the slushy liquid suddenly emerged and snatched the plank from me that fear gripped me tightly.

I recoiled in shock as the arm disappeared back into the depths, dragging the plank with it. The realization of the danger lurking beneath the surface sent a wave of panic through me, making me retreat hastily from the sinister pool. I was relieved that I was still breathing, and not drowning in the unknown liquid with a monster dragging me down. 

"What... What was that!?"

With my heart steadily calming down, I explored the place. I walked down a corridor, occasionally hearing footsteps in the distance. I arrived at a door. I yanked the handle. It didn't budge. After pulling it another 3 times, it finally opened. I fell to the ground.

"Finally! Holy fuck!"

I peered inside of the room. It was small, with a couple of crates to the left of it. The other side led to another entrance, but I was determined to open the crates. Scrambling towards it, I pulled off one of the lids and rummaged for any resources. Inside were two bandages; which I stashed in my bag, a chocolate bar; which I instantly wolfed down, a 250ml bottle of almond water; which I also stored in my bag, and two crayons and a pile of hair; which I grasped onto a crayon in case I got lost and could find where I was before from a marking. The other crates were almost empty except for another chocolate bar which I reserved for later, a battery, and two rotting corpses of a rat. I grimaced at the sight of them. One of the rats only had a patch of flesh left, the rest bone. The other one was only beginning to rot and had green acid patches dotted around it. After searching the crates, I wandered towards the entrance. It read,


"What is Tom's Diner?" I asked myself, 'It sounds good though!'

After a brief contemplation, I made the decision to try and find Tom's Diner. I passed through the door and I moved forward. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29 ⏰

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