Chp 12: The Heartbreak

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"Hamza, what are you doing? And where is your phone?" I looked over my shoulder as I heard my father's voice from behind. I was standing near the balcony staring nowhere in particular with one hand in my pocket and a tea mug in another.

"Abbu! What happened? And about the phone!" I said while removing the phone the pocket and saw it was on silent.

"It was on silent! Why happened? You came here to ask about my phone?" I muttered as I faced him properly.

"No! Your sister was calling you. She got worried when you didn't pick her up and asked me to check on you." He answered while I sighed heavily and shook my head a little.

"Stop worrying her, Hamza. She has her husband and son to look after rather than worrying about her 28-year-old little brother." He said with slightly frustration in his voice which sparked my anger. What he has to be frustrated about? It's me, whose life just turned upside down in less than a day.

"I said my phone was on silent. I didn't do it on purpose. Besides, she is the only one who really cares about me, Mr. Khan. And now you have problem with that as well?"

"Hamza, I am telling you this one last time, stop venting your frustration on me for something I had absolutely nothing do with." He said with narrow eyes and hands folded at his chest. I turned my gaze away from him without saying anything.

"Did you talk to Kashish?" His question got me gritted my teeth as I replied,

"Yes, I did Abbu. She said she will call me once she gets her brothers agreed to it. Happy now?" He just hummed in reply while caressing his chin with his first finger and turned to walk away. After walking few steps, he turned a little and said,

"Talk to your sister. I wasn't joking when I said she is worried about you."

I just nodded and he walked away from my room. Running my hand in my hair, I got inside and took my laptop from the table and sat on bed with it on my lap. The moment it got on I saw a missed video call from Mariyam.

"Hamza, you know abbu, he never says something like this unless he is sure about winning. How could you agree to it?" Aapi said as I informed her about my last-minute trip to Dubai to meet Mariyam. While waiting for my flight, I called her to give updates about everything.

"I know, aapi! Even I am getting bad feelings about it. But what else you want me to do? You know he was never happy about my relationship with Mariyam and through this deal at least he agrees to let me marry her. I couldn't leave that chance." I voiced my thoughts and worries to my sister.

"Still Hamza, we both know abbu doesn't agree to something he dislike ever. If he did, it means he knows something which we don't. At least you shouldn't have agreed to marry Kashish. I am not getting good feeling about this whole situation, Hams." I furrowed my eyebrows as my heartbeat picked up pace listening to her. I shook my head a little to discard negative thoughts and pray for the best.

"Aapi, don't scare me! I am already very worried about it. Just pray for you that everything happens as I wish." I said with a failure attempt to smile and hide my worries.

"Of course, Hams! You don't have to say it. You know you are always in my prayers. But I will pray everything happens which is good for you. And if it is Mariyam for you, then be it!" I smiled at her words as it slightly lessens my worries and restlessness. When I heard my flight calls, I said,

"Meet you there, aapi! I have to go now. Allah hafiz!"

"Take care, Hams. Allah hafiz!"

After 3 hours of flight, I finally landed. Taking cab, I straight away went to Mariyam's place. Throughout the whole ride, I kept calling her, but it wasn't getting answered. The restlessness kept increasing in my chest, but I didn't let it take over my head. As soon I reached her place and was about to ring the doorbell, her watchman stopped me.

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