Chp 7: The Dumb Decision

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"Till the end of this year."

"Do you realise there are only three months remaining, right?" Zaiba questioned, disbelief dripping from her tone. I arched an eyebrow.

"Uh-huh! Now, please excuse me. I have other people to meet." Before I could move, Zaiba held my arm.

"Three months? I'll be waiting for your invitation, Kashish." I harshly removed her hand and walked away, the weight of my words hitting me like a truck.

What the actual hell did you just say? My brain snapped at me. Did I just dig my own grave? How can I be so stupid?

I held my gown a little higher, pushed through the crowd, and went towards the washroom. Thankfully, it was empty upon my arrival. I closed the door, leaned back against it, and took deep breaths. What the hell am I going to do now? Walking toward the basin, I rested my hands on the sink. Slowly, I raised my gaze, meeting my own eyes in the mirror. After a moment of contemplation, I punched the mirror, shattering it. Blood started to ooze from my hand, but my rage at my own stupidity remained the same. I vented my frustration by breaking anything and everything within reach and shouting while pulling my hair.

"What are you going to do now, Kashish? How could you let her get under your skin?" I muttered to myself, tears streaming down my cheeks. As the salty taste reached my mouth, I wiped the tears with my unharmed palm. Standing straight, I faced myself in the broken mirror.

"You don't cry, Kashish! Ammi didn't teach you to cry. The damage is already done. Rather than crying, think about the solution for it. There's nothing Kashish Siddiqui can't do. Understood?"

After a few deep breaths, I made myself look presentable. The moment I opened the door, the last person I wanted to see at that moment appeared—Zain! What heinous sin did I commit in my past life to have such bad luck in this one as well? Why can't he just leave me alone? His gaze fixed on my face, then shifted to my bleeding hand. Honestly, I hadn't felt the pain until his eyes landed on it, and now it burned like hell.

A jolt ran down my spine as he held my bleeding hand, examining it with worry and care. That's how much control he still has over me.

"What the hell did you do, Kash? The glass piece is embedded in your skin," he uttered in an anxious voice.

'You should let me go, Kashish. He's not yours anymore, nor will he ever be,' my mind reminded me. I snatched my hand away from his.

"Whatever it is, you do not need to worry! You have a wife; your care and concern should be for her and not me." I spat in anger, attempting to walk away, but he held my arm, pulling me back.

"Stop behaving like a kid, Kashish! You are injured and bleeding. I am not leaving you like that."

"But you already left me, if I may remind you." The words halted him momentarily. He lifted his gaze, looking at me with a helpless expression and tears in his eyes. When I didn't flinch, he blinked several times, then started dragging me while saying,

"Let's get you treated first."

He led us to a less crowded area, retrieved a first aid box from a drawer in an adjacent small cabinet, and had us sit on a nearby sofa. All the while, his eyes were fixed on my hand, and mine were fixed on him. Numerous questions and scenarios raced through my mind. The chain of thoughts came to a halt when he slowly removed the glass piece from my hand, and I hissed in pain.

"I am sorry; just bear a little."

He said it as if he could feel my pain. I chuckled at that thought; if he did, I wouldn't be attending his 5th-anniversary party. Before I could reply, I spotted Hamza coming our way. I swiftly withdrew my hand from Zain's and called Hamza. Zain looked at me in confusion. Hamza approached, his eyes widening at my injured hand. He sat on my other side, taking my hand in his.

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