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Claude wrapped his arms around her shoulders, his chin rested on her head. He shut his eyes. "Y/N, we dunno know the situation down there, but I promise you everythin' is gonna be fine." He slowly her brought her to her feet. Her sobs continued, but they only got quieter and quieter. "C'mon, let's go." He led her towards the dining hall. "Claude!" He nodded to the person who had called him.

"Yeah?" The person seemed to be pointing near the watch tower as Claude stopped in his tracks. " We just investigated the opening with the ladder and the elevator. Unfortunately there's just a pile of rubble once you go down the ladder, tons of it is flooding through. The elevator's stuck on the bottom floor where the explosion occurred." Dammit, He thought. His expression was stern.

A loud sigh left his lips. "Tell everyone to gather in the dining hall. Make it snappy." The miner nodded, rushing to the crowd of people arguing. You sniffled, wiping your nose with a handkerchief. "I guess it's not getting any better," you muttered slowly. It sounded like there was no hope in your voice. Claude looked down at you, bringing you to a nearby bench to sit down at. "Don't say that. Everythin'll be fine." You say with your feet flat on the ground, your knees touching eachother as your averted your gaze from anyone looking. "I hope."

A couple of minutes later, the important people, higher ups and owners walked in. There was only a small group of miners present. Claude seemed to be leading the whole thing as he stood up Infront of everyone to speak. "Alright. We need to figure out what we're gonna do here. We've got people down there waitin' for us to help." Your father stood up, his aura seemed nonchalant. "Has the fire department been notified of this?"

Claude's hand were firmly crossed over his chest. "Yes. Although, every single one we've expressed the situation to has shown no importance." Your father blinked several times, sighing. "And this happened yesterday correct?" Silence filled the room for a moment, the squeaking of the bench and the light breathing of everyone was the only thing audible. "Yes." Reading the room, your father looked around. "In that case, let them die." Your eyebrows furrowed. "What?" You stood up.

All eyes were on you. He raised an eyebrow. "If the fire department thinks this isn't a matter of wasting resources on, then we should let it go. There's nothing we can do. If we haven't been able to do anything the entire day... It might be over for them."" Your face scrunched to show your disappointment. "No, it just shows they're lazy. We need to help those miners. There's more than 40 of them missing down there. They're hoping we can save them. We can't let them down." Claude gave you a slight nod. As of now, sides would be split into the side that wanted to help and the one that didn't.

"I can't risk losing those men, F/N. They've all worked so hard to be here and provide for their families. They were just trying to make a living here. This is something none of us would e expected. Please, We need to convince the fire department to come." Felix, the owner had finally spoken up. Mr. Wowdoole glanced over at him, a cackle leaving his lips. "They can be easily replaced with anyone willing to go to Golden Cave. Let them go." You rolled your eyes. "You do realize only the best of the best miners are allowed here, right? It's only for people who have put the work in for it."

"She's right, we don't want slackers here. We get along with any kind of miner, unless we feel like something's off about them," Claude added. You looked at at your father as he glared back at you. Your shoulders shrugged, it seem like you would definitely win this time. "We need those men down there. I knew each and every single one of them." Your father's clenched tightly. His gaze drifted to the ground in utter defeat. You leaned against the table, waiting patiently for a response. "Very well." You glanced over at Henry's dad. I'll take charge now. "Mr. Evans, head back to Birkham and personally ask them yourself for assistance. They'll definitely come if it's you asking for them."

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