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Hours passed.

She only got more desperate by the second.

Banging on the cellar door, trying to bang on the roof of the cellar to see if anyone would hear it, but nothing.

No one could hear her despite how loud her screaming was.

She attempted to push the cellar door open many times, and failed.

She couldn't see at all, it was pitch black in the cellar.

She cried, feeling helpless in a situation like this.

"Clara! Father!", she screamed one last time before falling to her knees.

"Please... Everything hurts.."

"I don't want to be down here... Please... I hate it down here, I can't see anything... I'm inhaling dust... Please someone....."

She felt empty, like she didn't matter.

It was hopeless.

She tried to stay positive, thinking for a moment.

Someone was bound to find her at some point.

She hoped, at least.

It was around 5 in the morning, which is usually the time Clara gets up. You stood up once again, walking around the dusty cellar. There was nothing you could use to brighten up the area, you only had your sense of touch.

Walking forward, you waved your arms around to feel anything.

Judging from what you felt, there was a desk in the back of the cellar, tons of shelves carrying nothing but wine, atleast 3 bookshelves and another door that led to who knows where. You twisted the door knob, but it didn't budge. Something was blocking the other side of the door.

You sighed, walking back.


You winced, grabbing your wrist. You bumped into something and it had fallen, rolling to your feet. "Ow..." You looked down, titling your head. The object the ground. It was a heavy, metal object. You felt it for a moment. You began to breathe rapidly. It's a crowbar... You ran straight to the cellar door, almost tripping on the stairs.

There was a dim light leaking out from a small hole. You stuck the crowbar through, attempting to push and pull the door open. He put the lock on it.  You frowned, placing the crowbar near the hinges of the door. You pulled with all of your strength. The first hinge flew right off. It made a loud clanking sound as it hit the floor. Your eyes glistened with hope.

 Greed | Norton CampellWhere stories live. Discover now