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6 months had passed. Your father had fully recovered and you had already gone to every mine. Days went by slower to you. But, Norton would send you letters everyday. He would always let you know how everything was going. Vice versa, you would always tell him about everything you did.

He has this charm, that even radiated from his writing. You had grown extremely fond of it. There was this sort of attachment you had to him. He was so loveable. You hadn't seen him in a while. It was finally the day.

"Clara!" You sat at your vanity, waiting for her to enter your room. The door burst open. "Yes?" Your fingers gently tapped your face, letting the blush you were applying sink into your cheeks. "I'm going to Wowdoole today. Can you cover me and tell my father I'm out running some errands?"

She crossed her arms. She admired your face, your body the way you looked in general. Clara was glad to be the housekeeper of someone like you. Most wealthy people wouldn't pay their workers as much as they deserved, but you did in secret. Your father under payed Clara, but you secretly gave her money from your own pocket. That's why she would do anything you asked of her. She was two years younger than you, kinder than anyone you had ever met. "Of course. Off to see that boy, right?"

A small smile graced your lips. She giggled. "Your expression tells me all I need to know. Come on now, off you go." You quickly got up, walking out of your room with her. The excitement had hit you hard this morning. You couldn't wait to see him.

The feelings between the two felt relatively platonic in the beginning, especially on your part. Then this sudden pain hit one day. Everytime you thought of him or the letters you anticipated to receive. It was this nausea that hit you. Your heart began to hurt at the thought of him. You hated it, it was nothing you had ever experienced for.

Yet, you decided to see him anyway.


Your body began to shake as you led your horse to the stalls of Wowdoole. Passing through the city and reaching it was the thing that brought out the smile you wore on your face. It was time. The day you had been waiting for.

The mine was vast, much more spacious than Swanson Copper. But, lots more workers were at work here. Your goal was to get Norton to Golden Cave. That was the best mine. A miner's dream. You had been to Golden Cave and honestly despite conditions still being rough, they worked less, got paid better and had much more time to hang out with their families. Their clothes were of much higher quality, and the shop to buy their equipment was nearby and was fairly cheap.

Not to mention, the food was and looked amazing. Here, everyone had the opportunity to own their own house, pay for basic necessities and maintain their families if they had any.

The young woman awaiting the arrival of a hardworking miner wandered around the mine. She eventually went to the main office and just stayed there. No one seemed to question her presence. In hand, she had tons of books. He had told her over a letter that he likes to learn. He had a passion for reading, but in his situation he couldn't afford books.

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